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When Vaughn arrived at the farmhouse early Friday morning, there was no answer to his knock. The door was unlocked, though, so he opened it and peered inside. No sign of Rio, but the house smelled delicious, like coffee and something baking. Stepping inside, he saw a large muffin and a note on the counter, asking him to turn off the coffee maker when he was done and reminding him that everyone was meeting at the river at ten so don't be late—if he ran short on time, some of his chores could wait until evening. He sighed in disappointment at missing her, but he grabbed the still-warm muffin and a cup of coffee and headed for the barn to start on his morning's chores.

The bonfire party had broken up shortly after he'd finished his tale last night and owned up to the wrongs that he had yet to make right. Afterwards, Rio alone had remained quiet as the group walked back to the village together, only waving and calling out a general farewell when she turned down the drive to her farm. Iroha had left the group then, too, but Vaughn had noticed her hesitating before heading up the road towards her house. In unison, they turned to watch Rio go with concerned faces. And like Iroha, he wondered if he should follow after her or let her go.

He chose to do the latter.

But he'd also counted on seeing her this morning, had even arrived a little early in the hopes of catching her before she started her day's work. It just didn't work out that way.

Cramming the last bit of muffin into his mouth, he grabbed an armload of hay and got down to business. At least there was the ride to look forward to in a few hours....

However, he'd entirely forgotten that he'd agreed—however reluctantly—to tutor Tina in the art of horsemanship. As he gruffly instructed her on the proper way to mount her sedate horse—an older roan mare borrowed from Rod—he watched with a grim scowl as Rio and Neil both swung easily into their saddles and started off, evidently engaging in a spirited race while he was stuck behind, showing the giggling, jittery redhead the ropes, so to speak.


"Ha! I win!" Neil shouted, looking back over his shoulder triumphantly as Rio raced up to him on her grey mare.

Laughing, she said, "Only because Sahara let Jack win!" She pulled up her mare up alongside his black gelding, grinning into his smiling face.

"Yeah, she probably did," he admitted. "She's way faster than Jack, and you're a terrific horsewoman."

She blushed at the compliment, then leaned over to give him a kiss.

"H-hey! What was that for?" he stammered, turning red.

"Oh, I dunno—your prize, I guess? Or maybe just because I like you," she teased.

"Yeah, well, you know how I feel about that kind of stuff in public," Neil grumbled, dismounting and walking over to give her a hand down. She slipped down next to him and looked up at him, a wistful look dimming her bright blue eyes. Neil frowned, saying, "What? What's wrong?"

She sighed and turned to her mare, removing her bridle and fastening a lead rope to her halter. "Nothing. I just wish...." She stopped and led her mare a little farther from the path, tying her rope to a tree within easy reach of the lake.

Neil likewise haltered his gelding and tied him to a nearby tree. "You wish what?" he asked, looking at her curiously.

"I wish you weren't so... so shy. I hate it when you push me away. It makes me feel like you're embarrassed to be with me. And that makes me unhappy."

"You know it's not that," he replied, flushing. "I'm just... it just makes me uncomfortable. It feels... weird doing private stuff where others can see us."

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