★ Chp 8. ★

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    As me and Drew part our ways the house is relatively quiet. Roger says he is taking the kids to go get ice cream. Drew asks if I'm coming with, I reply with a simple no. He has a slight frown if disappointment but walks over into the car, before getting in sending me a oh so familiar smirk. Then they were gone. I went outside to where Lorraine was, she was doing some laundry.

"Lorraine, let me help you with that!" I say as I go over and help her fold a sheet.

"Oh thank you y/n!" Lorraine says with a smile.

    Me and Lorraine continue to do laundry as Ed works on the car Roger had that did not work. As me and Lorraine started to fold more laundry Lorraine started to seem startled and worried.

"You okay Lorraine?" I ask as I put another sheet into the hamper.

"Yeah," she says not confidently and starts to fold another sheet.

    A few minutes after the interaction the wind starts to pick up. Clouds start to cover the sun making it slightly chilly. The heavier the wind got I began to feel more uneasy. The feeling of something there lingered with me. Lorraine started to let her eyes wonder a bit more around the yard and at the house. The wind got more aggressive. As Lorraine goes to grab a sheet, I look up. The sheet flew off of the clothing line onto what looked like a person. Suddenly it flew up to the window where Carolyn was sleeping. Me and Lorraine both jump back, as we both look in the window a figure that was most definitely not Carolyn could be seen. Without thinking me and Lorraine run into the house and upstairs. As me and Lorraine reach the top of the steps we both run into Carolyns room. Lorraine runs over to the bathroom door yelling for Carolyn as we hear dry heaving.  Lorraine continuously asks for Carolyn to open the door with no reply. I run out into the hallway to see if there's another way into the bathroom.

"Lorraine!" I shout, "over here"

    Lorraine runs out of Carolyns room to over where I am standing informant of the second entrance to the bathroom door. As she finally makes it to the door Carolyn opens it.

"Are you okay," me and Lorraine ask at the same time.

"I'm fine," Carolyn responds but her appearance says otherwise. Her cheeks are more sunken in and she is growing more pale. More bruising is on her arms, she says it's from a Iron Deficiency, but as I stand there I think otherwise. As Carolyn makes up a excuse to walk away me and Lorraine just stand in our spots. Dumbfounded by what we saw.
    As me and Lorraine decide to make our way back downstairs and walk outside we see the girls of the family playing, Ed still working on the car, and Drew relaxing on the porch. Lorraine wonders off as I walk over to Drew.

"So, how was the ice cream," I ask as I sit next to him.

"Good good," he says as he looks at me.

"Something weird just happened?" I state out of the blue.

Drew looks at me, "like what?"

I explain to him what me and Lorraine just saw. My voice starts to get higher and I start to talk at a faster pace.  Drew grabs my hand and makes me look at him.

"Hey, it's going to be okay," Drew says as he looks at me in the eyes.

"What if it's not going to be, whatever the fuck is here isn't nice and has no plan of going away anytime soon," I look at him worried, "what if someone gets hurt."

"Not on my watch," Drew says with a goofy grin than goes back to being serious. "Whatever is here we can help stop it, we can get rid of it. Don't let thoughts of misery fill you pretty little head."

   I look at him and give him a sincere smile, and for once he didn't send me his annoying smirk, but a genuine smile.


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