★ Chp 12. ★

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As thought fill my head of the two girls Carolyn had grabbed, her own daughters we arrived at the house. We all hop out of the van without hesitation. Drew and Roger run up to the door and quickly open it. We all hear yelling from the cellar and immediately run down into it. We see Carolyn trying to cut one of her daughters. Me, Roger, and Drew run over to her and grab her. Drew and me grabbed her arms and Roger grabbed her legs. She started to thrash and scream even more than she already was. With all the screaming we did not hear Ed, Lorraine and Brad enter. They all run over to us and grab Christine. Brad takes over my spot of grabbing Carolyn and Ed takes over Drew's spot. I look around for April and see her nowhere in sight.

"Wait, where's April?!" I say panicked.

    Ed announces for us to get Christine to the car and find April. I assume that was directed at me and Drew so I run back down into the cellar.

"Christine?" I shout. She comes out of a corner crying.

"Honey come here," I say as I pull her into a embrace. I hold her for a few moments. I than grab her by the hand sand lead her upstairs. Drew follows me and helps me get her around Carolyn. Me and and him quickly bring her over to Brads police car. As we run over to the car Carolyns screaming gets louder and louder and more of a pain scream. As we reach the car a loud thud could be heard, I look back and can no longer see Carolyn in the doorway. My focus quickly goes back to Christine and Drew. I open the door and Drew puts Christine inside the car.

"Okay stay here," me and Drew say in unison.

"I don't wanna stay in here alone!" Christine says through her tears.

I grab her face,  "stay in here no matter what. We'll be back I promise."  "We have to find April okay."

   Me and Drew shut the car door and walk up to the house. Before we split ways Drew looks at me.

"Stay safe y/n," he said as he quickly kissed me. He than ran off to find April as I did the same.

    The kiss was great and sweet but I'll talk to him about it later the objective right now is to find April. We both start to shout for April and start looking everywhere and anywhere. Drew starts upstairs as I start downstairs. As a few moments go by evil is all I could feel. My head started to fill but with the adrenaline I could barley feel it. Me and Drew at this point we're screaming April's name. Lorraine ran past me and outside and than inside with a bible. Knowing how far father Gordon was I know what was happening, Ed was going to preform the exorcism.
    As the search continues glass started to break than stopped. Drew ran downstairs yelling for April, I look over to him as a thud is heard on the window. It is than followed by more and more thuds. I run over to him confused on what is happening. As we walk over to the open door a crow flys right by our head. He grabs me and ducks than quickly stands. He grabs my hand and helps me up, but he doesn't let go of my hand. As we walk into the other room a window smashes and a bird falls onto the floor. Me and Drew yell. Suddenly lots of crows start breaking more and more windows and start to fly around the house. Me and Drew quickly start to look for April again. Drew runs towards the kitchen and I follow but go into the laundry area. As I start to look I hear faint crying. Drew than drops to the ground.

"April are you in there!" He yells

"She's in the floor boards?" I ask him

"I think so," he reply's with.

    I run over to where he is at the the crying is louder than it was. I run over and grab something to break the floorboards with. I than give it to Drew as he repeatedly hits the floor over and over.


    Suddenly lots of commotion could be heard. Lorraine runs up into the kitchen and under us everyone else is running to April, including Carolyn. Me and Drew step back letting Lorraine get access to April. Screaming starts to be heard under us, I back up into Drew's chest and he pulls me close.  Lorraine starts to scream at Carolyn a repeat of No's. Ed and Lorraine start to encourage Carolyn fight whatever is in her. It takes around twenty five minutes and then it goes quiet. April could be heard saying mommy and then everyone sees that Carolyn is back. Me and Drew run into the cellar and help everyone out. We all then walk outside.
    I run over the where Christine was. She was still crying.

"Honey I'm here, we're okay," I tell her as I open the door and hug her.

    We stay like that for a minute until I let go of her to run to her her mother, father, and sisters that were brought by another car. I walk up the the porch where Drew and Brad were. As I walk up I hear Drew make a sarcastic remark towards Brad.

"A draft did that to your face," he says

"I'd take a guy with a gun any day," Brad reply's with.

   I than sit down on the steps and Brad than gets up.

"I'll leave the lovebirds time," he says as he walks off.

   Me and Drew look at each other having that oh so familiar tint in our cheeks again. To me it looks like I put rouge on my cheeks. I grab Drew's hand and he looks at me in the eyes.

"Your okay right," Drew asks

"Yes Drew I'm okay, are you," I reply and ask.

"Yes I am y/n," Drew says.

    I sit up and he grabs me by the cheeks and lightly presses a kiss onto my lips.

"Um so, want to go one cheesy ass date soon," Drew asks.

"Sure why not," I say as I look over to the family and back at Drew.

   He than sends me his stupid ass smirk and looks out towards the family.


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