TUO- 08

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Third Person Perspective

chanhee walked up to the front door of the main pack house, knocking on the door. a moment later, the luna stepped out and greeted him with a smile. "hello, luna" he greeted with a bow. "oh, please. come in. you'll be the next luna and i'll be the one bowing to you" she joked. he went in and kicked his shoes off. "so he told you?" chanhee asked. "he was so excited. i haven't seen much of you since the last time he came back and you two found each other. visit me more often" she said. "yes, luna" he nodded.

"chanhee-ah, you make him so happy and the night you agreed to be his luna he couldn't sleep because he was so happy" she said. she glanced over at him and saw him standing nervously and awkwardly. "why do you seem like this, child? is something wrong?" she asked. "i'm scared." he admitted shyly. "how come?" the luna asked as she guided them towards the living room couch. "i'm happy. very. very happy that i found him. but i'm also scared that the pack is going to reject who his luna is" chanhee said. "why would they?" she asked.

"all my life they've called me 'the ugly duckling with no happy ending' because of the eyepatch. so when he asked, i was afraid because of the hate i've received from them. i-i guess i was worried he'd get backlash for not rejecting me" he said, voice failing him towards the end. "and what did he say?" she asked. "be his luna for him rather than for them" chanhee said as the corners of his lips curved into a smile. "and that smile proves that you're his luna. yes, a luna is for the pack. it's the pack mother. but a luna is also the alphas ground. we keep the alphas focused and also keep their minds at ease." she explained.

"so i sit with my family first?" he asked nervously. "yes. and then the alpha will announce that younghoon found his luna. then you'll walk up to us and at that moment, you'll both go into a training on being the alpha and luna of the pack. i promise that you have the easier part. it'll just be an intense lesson on what happens after you find your mate and what you'll do as the luna" she explained. "and then from that point on, whenever we have feasts, you'll be sitting with us." she said with a smile.

the conversation was interrupted by a howl echoing through the trees. chanhee and the luna stood up, putting their shoes on and exiting the house. chanhee waved goodbye to the luna as she grabbed the robes. she smiled and waved goodbye while watching chanhee run off to his parents. chanhee sniffed the air and smiled as the familiar musky pine scent came to his nose. his mother leaned closer to him to whisper in his ear. "your alphas home" she said with a soft smile. he nodded and watched as younghoon's black wolf came through the trees, walking with his head high and pride in his footsteps. he shifted back into his human form.

the alphas gaze naturally found chanhee and gave a small smile towards the omega. "omo, i think the alpha is smiling at me" a girl a good fifteen feet behind him said. he turned to look at her with a confused stare. "what do you want?" she asked, venom laced in her words. he didn't answer and just turned back to younghoon. "tch, can't even answer" she said angrily to her friend. "i know right" her friend said. the alpha stood in the front and was beginning to make his speech but the two girls just kept talking. at this point others were starting to turn towards them as well.

"it's rude to speak when the alpha is talking" chanhee's mother said. the two shut up and others turned to his mother and bowed as a thank you. "we will have a feast tonight in celebration of the clearing of rogues from our territory and for the amount of food we have brought for the pack. we shall thank the moon goddess for the great supply in resources for our survival" the alpha said and turned to walk into the main pack house with the luna and younghoon following.

chanhee walked back to his house with his mom and began making the dessert for the feast. his mom was an expert at baking. she decided to make small tarts this time. it felt like time flew because chanhee was already sitting at the table. the nerves were kicking in again as he glanced down the long table at everyone he'd have to pass. "why're you so nervous? you stink" sunwoo said as he walked up behind chanhee. chanhee turned around and gave a deadpan glare to the younger.

"well i'm not wrong" sunwoo said as he held his hands up in defense. "just go sit with your family" chanhee said. "fine but i'm sending changmin over" sunwoo agreed and walked towards changmin's family to talk to changmin. the latter came over shortly after and sat beside chanhee. "why're you nervous?" changmin asked. "i'm being announced as the luna tonight" chanhee whispered so only changmin could hear. "and so far, you're the only person besides the alpha and luna that know. my parents don't even know" chanhee said. "they don't know know younghoon is your mate?" changmin asked in shock. "you dummy, of course they know that, they just don't know that i'm being announced as the luna tonight" chanhee said.

"oh. hey, don't call me a dummy" changmin said as he slapped chanhee's arm. "ow! you're stronger than me, don't hit me" chanhee said. "don't call me a dummy" changmin repeated. chanhee sighed and turned away from the younger. changmin ran off when chanhee's parents came rushing to the table since the alpha, luna, and alphas son were coming out. "we thank the moon goddess for this meal and we shall celebrate the removal of threat to our pack" the alpha said, keeping it short and sweet before eating. when it came time for the delivery to the front families, his mom carried the tarts since today, the females of the family were carrying the food.

an hour later and the alpha stood again. chanhee took a deep breath as everyone went silent. "today we also celebrate a new beginning" the alpha started. "today we will all welcome our new luna. my son, younghoon, has found his mate and luna and soon enough, the two of them will be leading our pack to better and brighter days" the alpha said. whispers came up and down the table. "may our luna please join us" the alpha spoke when chanhee didn't come up. the omega took a deep breath and stood up awkwardly. gasps and curses were sent his way but he listened to the luna's words and kept his head held high as he walked forward.

of course the whispers got to him and made his breath hitch a bit but his eyes landed on younghoon and saw the warm and welcoming smile grace the olders lips, making chanhee smile back and keep walking forward. when he reached the front families, younghoon stood up to greet his luna. he held his hand out and chanhee gladly took it, his smaller hand being enveloped by younghoon's larger hand. younghoon brought chanhee towards the alpha so that his father could introduce the new luna to the pack.

"please greet your new luna" the alpha said. most stood while a few, in a petty mindset, remained seated. "i said stand for your luna" the alpha demanded, his alpha voice coming out at full impact. chanhee inched closer to his alpha and cuddled closer to him. not cowering from fear but just falling into an obedience. "thank you" he said when the rest of them stood. "hello, luna" they bowed, some reluctantly. chanhee instinctively wanted to bow back but the two alphas on either side of him stoped him.

chanhee rested his head against younghoon's shoulder and looked down. he didn't want to see all the hateful stares he was receiving. "my beautiful luna" younghoon whispered in chanhee's ear, almost reassuring him that their opinions didn't matter.

"my beautiful luna" he repeated, loving the sound of those words as they rolled off his tongue

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