chapter 1

171 12 16

Jin pov

I can feel the tension between the air idk what to do with them ,they're quarreling like fetuses.Its not like they don't love each other it's just my Tae baby don't want to get marry and my joonie is so worried for him because he is so careless and it's a high time so he should marry. And I just always stucked between them.whatever now I'm serving my two most precious people home cooked breakfast because I'm great cook yk.


I smiled warmly and served pancakes on my taebear's plate "eat well taebear hmm, and don't talk back to your appa today, okay" I wishper in his ear.

"Don't worry papa I'll because you cooked so good but I can't promise you about the other thing"Tae said while chewing his food with a adorable pout.

I went to my hubby to serve him the breakfast, he's really worried for my taebear... And he don't know how to take care of himself.. I smiled while shaking my head "joonie baby eat well okay you're getting skinny day by day and if you'll not , I'm going to smack your head so hard, understand" I showed him my evil smile and my kitchen spatula.

"Yeah yeah my queen I'll. Yk how much I admire your cooking sweetheart but you don't know about what food I'm craving for right now baby?", namjoon said with a slight grin.

" What hubby tell me I'll cook that for you" Jin said while caressing his cheeks.
Namjoon take a hold of Jin's hand and kisses it "you baby" 😏

And Jin blushed furiously.

Tae slammed his hands on the dinning table and said with blankface "yk I'm here too, stop that lovey dovey stuff so early in the morning"

Namjoon smirked "you know what Tae you just jealous that you don't have what we've, that's why I'm telling you, you're getting married"

"For the nth times I'm saying this to you dad, I don't want to marry" Tae said with irritation.

Namjoon frowned and said, "Tae I'm not asking you this , I'm telling you that it's high time and you should marry, you're 30 now"

Tae raised his eyebrow and chuckled, "so you're ordering me huh dad, you're ordering me to marry just for your company sake, don't you father? "

Namjoon sighs "Think whatever you want I'm just doing this for your well being and I already fixed the meeting so today you're meeting with your fiance, feel free to deny this marriage but not before you meet her"

Tae stands from his chair and looked his appa with shock"woah woah woah appa you already fixed and did all the things and still you're telling me that I can deny too, how ironic " He chuckled.

Namjoon simply eating his breakfast and raise his head to see Tae and slowly said him "Tae you need to realize why I'm doing this... But now you just need to know that you're meeting her at our hotel"

Tae Frustratedly wears his coat hurriedly  takes his steps to the main door "I'm going, I can't handle this anymore"

Jin runs back to him and stopped him by grasping his hand"taebear wait"

"Yess papa what" Tae said while looking here n there.

Jin cupped his cheeks and said " Baby please meet her I'm with you if you still don't want to get marry even after seeing her I won't let your marriage happen, okay baby "

Tae sighs"okay papa, I'll meet her and I'm going I'm getting late I've very important business meeting today"

"Yeah ik you've a meeting.your appa told me last night.take care and eat your lunch full I'll send you"Jin said it softly .

"Papa I'll take care of myself don't worry you should take care of your hubby he's getting old and grumpy day by day" Tae scowled.

Jin laughed "okay baby I'll. Now you should go and stop being mean to your appa"

Tae showed his boxy smile "I'll being mean to appa because I love to annoy him btw you two are so cute, stop being so adorable early in the morning, what if it caught by an evil eye huh"

Jin grinned widely and squeezed his cheeks"you're so sweet my baby idk why you always say so positive things when you're with me and so rude things when you're in front of your appa"

Tae back faced him and smiled mischievously while running to the door, "I'll tell you later, bye papa"

"Aishhh this boy" Jin smiled.

Namjoon came ,wrapped his arms around Jin waist and back hugged him "so my pretty wifey if you're done with your baby, then can we start what we leave last night ,huh? "

Jin blushed and turns to face him "stob it, can you??, you still not satisfied with last night that you want more joonie"

Namjoon smirked and said "baby we did only 5 rounds it's not our max, is it? "

Jin slapped his chest and moved away from him, "go to your work you've to go for inspecting our orphanage work"
Namjoon scowled"fine I'm going!!you don't have to hit me, btw thanks baby to make our taebear agree to meet her " Namjoon kissed Jin's cheeks.

Jin smiled warmly "you don't have to thanks me joonie ik you just worried for him and don't mind him he's just teasing you okay"
Namjoon takes his bag, keys and kissed his wife forehead "I'm so lucky to have you baby, bye, take care.I love you jinnie"

Jin blushed and mumble "love you too hubby, no shoo"

When Namjoon gone too for his work Jin sighs.. "What did I do to deserve all this love, now I'm praying that my taebear find his partner too and tyen we'll live like happy family" Jin smiled softly while saying this.

゜・.・゜゜・.・゜゜・.・゜゜・.・   ゜                 


This is the first chapter. Next chapter will be the glimpse of jk life and after that you'll get some taekook moment for sure💓...
This ff is actually a slow burn. 💀 Because I don't like to rush things which meant to be happen slow and sweet.

Tae's sizzy ♡

Who's your bias?? Or you're OT7???

Borahae 💜

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2021 ⏰

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