One Month Later (1)

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Double Reflection is the sole property of Zondra Allison. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, transmitted, or translated in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise without written permission from the publisher. It is illegal to copy this book, post it to a website, or distribute it by any other means without permission.

This novel is entirely a work of fiction. The names, characters and incidents portrayed in it are the work of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or localities are entirely coincidental.

Double Reflection © Copyright 2021 by Zondra Allison

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****** Alright my lovlies! I was going to make you sweat a bit and hold off on releasing the first chapter but I just can't wait! I'm as eager to share Geni and Damien's story as you are to read it!! This book will have updates every second day guaranteed but I may do daily updates depending on reader engagement! Now... on with our story... ******


"Good morning, Collette! How is he today?" I plastered my best smile on my face as I approached the woman at the nurse's station.

She avoided eye contact, fiddling with her pen as she cleared her throat. "Good morning, Geni."

Frowning at her, my brows knitted, I placed my hands on the top of the counter. "Is everything okay? What's wrong?"

"He's... uh... he's being a little difficult today." Just as the words left her lips, I could hear crashing down the hall. I looked up to see a young woman running from room 617.

I removed my hands from the countertop and began to walk towards the room, which now had a uniformed man standing next to it, his hands clasped in front of his waist.


I spun around, the nurse's hand on my forearm, pulling me back.

My eyes narrowed into thin slits and my mouth formed a taut straight line. "What is going on?"

"Geni, he removed you from the visitor's list." Her sad eyes blinked as she stared at me with pity.

"That's impossible." I told her, tugging my arm free from her. "I'm his wife."

I walked briskly to Damien's hospital room door but just as I reached for the door handle, the man reached out and grabbed it before me. "No visitor's ma'am."

Taking a step back, I crossed my arms over my chest, glaring at the man. "You're mistaken. I am Genevieve Vanderbrooke, Damien's wife."

The guard shook his head, his large meaty hand still tight on the door handle. "No visitors."

Moving to push his hand away, the man released the door, moving directly in front of it, crossing his enormous muscular arms over his big burly chest.

"Move. Now." I gritted out through clenched teeth, trying to push past him.

He reached out, grabbed my tiny frame in his large hands, lifted my body and set me to the side.

Double Reflection (18+) ☑Where stories live. Discover now