Chapter 1 ~ I'm done with it!

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You slowly open you eyes, as the golden sun shines in your room, you look at your alarm clock, seeing that it is exactly 7:00 AM. You get out of bed, put some clothes on and you go downstairs, seeing the room is empty.. again..

 You look to your slanted left, and you see the green couch, with the darkgreen pillows on it. The TV stand in front of the couch, with a small squares table, there in front of the couch. You look to your oblique right, and you see the small kitchen. The lockers are white, and the kitchen island is white with a marmeren top. And you look in front of you, you see the door a few feet away from you.

 Since your parents left 2 years ago, you had to take care of yourself. It was a cruel world you lived in. Thanks to the municipality you could still go to school, and you even got some money to keep yourself alive!

 It wasn't much tho, but enough for just you alone. You walk towards the kitchen, making yourself a sandwhich. You get the bread, the cheese, salad and the tomatoes, and you put them on your sandwhich, you didn't put butter on it, since you really hated butter. There is no taste in butter, and it feels so weird in your mouth! You put the sandwhich in your bread box, that you grabbed from one of the lockers, and you put the bread box in your bag, that was laying on the ground. You grabbed a cup, filled it with water, and you putted it in your bag aswell. You looked at your bag, knowing that the whole hell would start over again.. You didn't need a breakfast, you knew that you would threw up as soon as they punched you in the stomach.. You looked around once more in your tiny, but cozy house, again, and you then spotted the little ukulele standing in the corner of your house. You have been playing ukulele since forever! You play everyday on the little instrument.

You decided to take it with you.

You quickly grabbed the little instrument, and putted it in your bag.

You zipped it up, went outside, grabbed your bike, and made your way to school.


When you arived at school you put your bike in the bike rack. You looked at your small school. The yellow bricks had a quite nice vintage color, and the two more darker yellow doors had a very nice color too. You didn't know if the building got these colors of oldness, or that this is the original color, but still, you loved the color. And speaking of colors.. You quickly ran inside the building, passing lots of small groups of friends. The hallway was kinda long for such a small girl as you, so you walked faster than normal.

 When you finally reached the girls restroom, you looked at the black and white checkered floor, left of you were the toilets, right of you was the mirror. You walked towards the mirror, seeing yourself. You leaned forward, to take a look at your beautiful golden eyes. You were extremely proud of your golden eyes. They shined a beautiful bright golden color, you smiled a joyful smile. 

Then you heard the bell ring, time for class. You hoped that you could reach the classroom without any rude comments swinged to your head.. You quickly walked out of the girls restroom and walked very quickly to your classroom. Now, you were happy that you arived at the classroom savely, you looked around, seeing your teacher, sir Greenface, sitting on his desk. You looked around quickly, seeing all the little tables and chairs in the classroom, and in front of the room sir Greenfaces desk, with the chalkboard behind him. You nodded towards him, getting a angry face back. Your used to it, since most people in the school didn't really like you. You then walked to your desk, all the way up front. You sat down, grabbing your books, waiting for the others to come. 

''It was so cool man! You should've seen it with your own eyes! Her titties were big as hell dude!''

You suddenly heard the familiar voice, the not so friendly Jacob walked in the classroom with his followers. He looked hatefully towards you, and then sat down, on his desk, behind you. You sighed in relief, he didn't punch you.. his followers took their seats, spreaded in the classroom. After a few minutes, the whole room was filled with classmates. Then sir Greenface spoke:

''Folks,'' his deep manly, grumpy voice bellowed, ''Today there will be an unexpected talk!'' 'Boo's' and 'Awe's' in the class, ''Shut up!'' sir Greenface screamed, looking furious around, ''Now, who would like to go first? You will be talking about the War, between Monsters and Humans, you all should know enough by now, we have been working on this since the begin of the schoolyear!'' sir Greenface said, now a little calmer, ''No one, eh? Well then I'll start picking..'' he grumbled, ''Y/N! C'mere, your first!'' he commanded you to stand up and come stand next to him. Your golden eyes sparkled in, well, a bit fear. You slowly stood up, walking towards sir Greenface. He mumbled something angrily, which you couldn't really understand. When you stood in front of the class, some classmates coughed a litlle, some looked away, and you eye goes to Jacob, he looks at you with a ''evil'' face, you knew what was about to happen, he would embarrass you in front of the class. You stuck your tongue out to him, which leaved him blushing madly, which you didn't understand. 

''Hurry up Y/N, we don't have all day..'' sir Greenface mumbled.

''Err.. There.. Err.. Has been a War.. Err.. Between Humand and Monsters.. and.. err..'' You tried to speak up, which didn't really work.. Then your eyes went back to Jacobs, and he had that face.. You knew what was going to happen.. 

''HA! Y/N doesn't know it, you see? She didn't pay any attention during the classes, she was way to busy with simping for me!'' Jacob shouted to the classroom, and more than half laughed, he enjoyed it, what made him continue, ''Y'know, I bet she'd like my cock inside of her, those weird golden eyes would be filled with tears, just like to years ago, when her mommy and daddy left.. Y'know, I'd almost think that she's worthless, I mean, she can't even speak properly! Your mommy and daddy would be so dissapointed in you.. '' He made a pout, ''I think that it's the better for all of us if you just ended it, Y/N..'' Jacob looked evily at you, and your eyes were filled with tears.

''Wh- What do you mean by that..?'' You asked Jacob softly.

''You know very well what I speak off, Y/N. Death! Want me to spell it for you? D - E - A-'' He went further than he ever went.

 You looked in panic around you, seeing that everyone was laughing at you, including sir Greenface. Tears rolled down your face and you grabbed your backpack as fast as you could, and Jacob almost grabbed your arm, but you were too quick. You ran out of the classroom, out of the building, you grabbed your bike, and you biked ashard as you could to MT. Ebott. 

Tears were still rolling down, and in all your panic you finally reached MT. Ebott.. Before you climbed all the way up, you first hid your bike in the bushes, no one must know you threw yourself in the MT. Ebott. Then, when you hid the bike as good as you could, you started to climb your way up. When you reached the top, you looked down in the massive hole. The black, extreme black, hole.. You checked, to be sure, that you had your backpack on your back, with relief you felt the cotton thing on your back, and you then let yourself fall in the dark, dark hole..

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