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A large fire truck red Tyrannosaurus rex stomped through the jungles of his territory, chasing away the smaller Compies and Dilophosaurus. Few dinosaurs dared to challenge the rule of this Tyrannosaurus rex. The apex predator of this part of the island however something felt off and the Tyrannosaurus rex looked up into the sky to see a storm brewing above even the largest Brachiosaurus' head. Soon the rain began to fall and the Rex lumbered through the foliage but then halted at a clearing in the trees. A low snarl escaped the Tyrannosaurus' jaws as it noticed another Tyrannosaurus drinking from the lake but this one was a bit shorter and it stopped drinking and turned around to face the much larger Tyrannosaurus. The two roared at each other and charged. When they collided the much larger fire truck red Tyrannosaurus clamped it's jaws down the smaller Rex's neck but was forced to let go by a tail swipe from the smaller brown Tyrannosaurus. The much larger Tyrannosaurus smashed it's tail into the smaller ones face making it stagger backwards. The fire truck red Tyrannosaurus let out a loud roar telling the smaller Tyrannosaurus to leave and the smaller one lumbered off defeated while the much larger Rex roared in victory. "Now that's entertainment." The manager of the island said slowly clapping from the safety of a control room however the fire truck red Tyrannosaurus then looked up at the drone that was inching closer to it's face and it snapped it's jaws at it grabbing it in it's jaws and then crushing it in it's mouth. The screen went black and white as the Tyrannosaurus threw the heavily damaged drone to the ground and it finally broke.

"Should we continue filming?" One of the control room staff asked the manager who just said in reply.

"Bring up the Triceratops section." The second drones camera turned on as two male Triceratops charged at each other and locked horns. The two males pushed and shoved each other until one gave up and backed off.

"This place will make more money then Jurassic world ever did." One of the staff said while down in the labs an Spinosaurus' eyes snapped open inside a testing tank with chains around it's ankles and a tube suppling it air in it's mouth. The large therapod shook the tube from it's mouth and smashed the glass with it's head. Water flooded out onto the floor and the Spinosaurus snapped the chains binding it's feet to the bottom of the tank and stepped out onto the set of computers sending sparks flying.

"Warning asset as escaped, activating containment measures." An automated voice said and an electrical prong attached to a mechanical arm lowered down and zapped the Spinosaurus on the nose making the animal back up but it then lunged it's head forward and clamped it's jaws on the base of the arm and ripped off the prong and threw it aside and looked at the lines of Dinosaurs in similar tanks but it stomped off and it's tail smashed the controls for the other tanks causing the other dinosaurs to escape.

"Run!" A scientist screamed as the Spinosaurus smacked a jeep aside with it's claws and it snatched up another scientist in it's jaws and ate them whole. The massive therapod made it's way down the halls of the compound smashing crates and cages as it went by. The other dinosaurs ran past the much larger Spinosaurus as it roared again as the automatic safety doors began to activate. However this did little to stop the Spinosaurus and it smashed the controls to each door and continued it's way to the outside. The manager called for an evacuation of all personnel and the staff ran to the helicopters to escape. However the final helicopter was almost snatched out of the sky by the Spinosaurus but it missed and roared as the helicopter flew off.

Author note:
Like my new writing style? Well it's staying so get comfortable. Anyways so this is a Jurassic park and Primal carnage crossover I mean it's kinda easy as both franchises involve people making dinosaurs and the dinosaurs going out of control.

Primal carnage meets Jurassic park (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now