Chapter 4

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We arrive home in a matter of time and I exit the car. I wait on the porch for them to unlock the door so I can go in. Two minutes later, I am inside getting me a green tea. I grab the tea out of the fridge and walk upstairs. I take the second left into my room and close the door behind me.  I turn my music on and pick the song 'Begin Again' by Taylor Swift. I take off my dress and throw it on the floor somewhere. 

"But on a Wednesday in a cafe I watched it begin again," I sang along to the lyrics as i put my pajamas on. I picked out the Minnie shorts and tank-top I got from Walmart last summer. I walk into the bathroom and start my night ritual. I brush my teeth and then my hair. I put my hair up into a messy bun and then walk back into my room.




I look over on my desk and see my phone vibrating. I walk over to my desk and pick up my phone. 'Hmm, unknown number.' I open the text:

'Hello cutie'

Who the frick is this? Some creep at my school playing a prank most likely. 


I set my phone down on my night stand and walk back over to my desk and sit down. I pull out my laptop and log-in. '' I typed and waited for my Facebook to pop up. Wow, two friend request. Aren't I miss poplar tonight? I laugh out loud and see who wants to be friends. Hey it's that girl from the restaurant. Rocky? Yeah, that's her name. 'Accept.' Now to the next one. 'Lucas Wright' it read. Hmm, should I accept or deny. Might as well, 'Accept.' I close my laptop and walk over to my bed. 

I lay down and pick up my phone. '1 new message' I open it up and did not expect this.

A/N: Okay this chapter is very short, but hey there's a CLIFFHANGER! I hope y'all are enjoying so far. I would really love to hear what you think and any suggestions. If I like your suggestion and use it, I will dedicate a chapter to you.

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