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Emerald "forest"
AGE: 15
Weight: 85
Height: 5'0
Likes: Hunting, Hiking,Filming,music, Starbucks
Dislikes: Bullies,Mysterious Cloaked figures!
Personality: sweet, Kind, Helpful, Adventurous, Angelic, beautiful,easygoing,Genius,Generous, Kind, passionate, peaceful, Polite, Reliable,Sassy, Shy, Sensitive,
Looks like: Black hair with forest green tips
Favorite song: most
Favorite food: doesn't have.
Favorite place: Her "Tree" or The Woods
Favorite show: MM
Favorite person: Colt & buck
Favorite Candy: Air Heads
Favorite snack: Chocolate Chip Cookies
Hobbies:Hunting,Building, Traps,questioning everything,spending time in woods!
Trapper: Team leader
Jeff: rescher
Buck: expert caller( buck x colt)
Willy: Trap builder(Willy x Bill)
Wild Bill: Expert Tracker
Colt: The producer!
Favorite quote she heard: Everything good is wild & free
Favorite qoute she says: Dagone! Or I was born to chase moonlight!
Favorite  qoute from a tv show:get 'er done!

Social Media's
Facebook:ShadowWolf(I realized that she spends most of her time in the woods or nature but she has Internet bc she managed to convince ppl to put some was of getting internet at her cabin! Also she has a very cool tree house and next will be All pictures)

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