Author Note

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Hello! (little boring intro lol)

Just a little quick note here, thank you so much!!! I know I say it all the time, especially to those of you who comment and vote. I thank the silent readers too who give my stories a chance to read. Don't be shy! give a vote if you are reading a story you like, or just a chapter, it really helps us author's out know what is liked and what is not! Promise nothing but love for the votes. 

Thank you even more to those that follow me! I hope my stories continue to meet your expectations! I am still stunned at the reads, comments, and love many of my stories have received. I seriously never thought anyone would like what I wrote as much as all of you have. I also am aware that some who have read perhaps did not enjoy them and have moved on. Which is okay!! It is all of our right to enjoy what we prefer and some will not enjoy what I write or how I end a story. What I appreciate most is the respect to move onward and leave constructive criticism!

That being said I thought I would throw a little in here of a few questions I have been asked for the curious. One of the questions I have been asked a few times is how do I come up with stories, and I'm surprised when I get a follow up question on advice to write. Now obviously I am not a professional writer but the couple times this has happened is so humbling.

I can't really tell you how I come up with the stories. I love paranormal romance, I love horror movies. I love a twisted plot at times, as much as I love to laugh and feel good. Normally I see something, or read up on mythology and I think what if this being wasn't evil? What if this being wasn't good. How would they love, how would they hate or grow and then it just plays out in my mind. The best I can say is write the scene down on paper that sticks with you, and then envision how your characters get there. Read, read, read! I read my stories over multiple times, I have hundreds to thousands of drafts and edits. Some times I read it out loud, there is no right or wrong way to write a story, but you are never done. I also can't help but write or fix the story that pushes at my mind. There is no concentration on anything else but the story that pushed forward and it isn't always in order. I'm sure other writers can attest to this. I am however a third person point of view writer and reader. I love hearing what is going on in all the character's minds. It makes the story more for me.  Don't be scared to share! I was terrified to let my friends read my stories, my family but I did it. One friend really pushed me to try and publish or share. (Thanks Brooke!) Now I have two stories published in pay to read. It all starts small!

I am hoping to go farther and have been holding back on some of my stories to share. I know I stated it before, but it is also smart as an author to hold back some stories for publishing uniquely on other platforms. 

So Thank you everyone!!! I hope my stories continue to please and meet your expectations!!!

Best wishes to all.

I will be updating the sections in this in a bit. I'm compiling them at the moment. 

See you in the pages....

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