Desperate Worlds Series

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Currently there really isn't an order to these stories, they are slightly stand alone, with ties through the enemy. however the last posted as of August 2021 was Desperate Magic, this one has hints at Desperate Circumstance. 

Suggested current order *After this there will be some small spoilers to be warned.

Desperate Creations, Desperate Decisions, Desperate Circumstances, Desperate Magic, Desperate Figgters

This series is about alternate realities, and how any choice creates change. I always loved the butterfly effect and that is what happens with these stories. Hence why Cody's story (Desperate Circumstances cover) 

Desperate Decisions is about the god Anubis and Alana. Anubis being a god that protects death has ties into three realities. So this is a start in suggesting that it's possible to travel between them. One thing to note is that Alana's sister is sick with a sickness that seems to have no cure for it, they left their home and it wasn't really stated with this was or how. Which leads her to Anubis. Since she is what is known as an acolyte to a God and can give a God a child, marks her. She is held captive and used to go between her reality and where Anubis calls home.

Desperate Circumstances we learn that the man named Cody isn't a prisoner because he is a killer. He's a prisoner because he isn't human and seems unable to die. He's been driven nearly mad with how often the doctors have cut into him, taken pieces off to watch them grow back. He is starved and had no basic companionship since he was a child. We learn that they didn't just use him for medical miracles or enhancement drugs but biological weapons. They had created a sickness that nearly wiped out an entire city and some of the surrounding towns on an unspecified planet. The main city was called Protville. Hmmmm.... Alana and her sister? While is was put in the story that they were from a rough colony out of the way. Doesn't mean things don't travel... Cody and Sky race the clock to gain freedom all while Cody struggles to understand the change Sky causes in him not realizing his species has only one mate that they bond with using dreams.

Desperate Magic has a hint at those who are more than human and special are beings are being hunted for use by a large entity of people. Not one specific person or being at the moment. Though another creature has appeared that shows there is more than one way to travel between places. That not all places are created equal. Both Rayden and Celeste are special beings that have to hide what they are. Celeste fears the darkness in Rayden will wake her own deadly magic. Rayden on the other hands believes Celeste could use a little darkness in her life.

Desperate Creations is a slight stand alone at the moment, however it is unknown exactly what was used to create Galileo and the other patients in this facility. It seems that this is perhaps back in time at the start of creation and yet the similarity of abilities between Rayden and Galileo is a possibility far more. Never look at a shadow the same again, if you can't see what the shadow rests on, how can you be sure it's even a shadow at all?

Desperate Fighters
This is also a bit of a stand alone. Lucian is a feared pet used by a man with deep pockets for money and gain. He paid scientist to create Lucian with the genetic material he bought from am unknown source. As such no one really knows what Lucian is and Debutaunt sends data in on Lucian to this unknown entity. Besides this Lucian takes part in survival games where Debutaunt kidnaps and brings people to fight to the death for the betting pleasure of the super rich. Lucian is a control factor and when He meets Dawn things change. Lucian feels himself desiring and wanting Dawn as a companion and mate. He slowly begins to realize that he does have choices and what has been done to him is unforgivable. Problem is how do you escape the impossible?

Desperate Lives

This story is the first to combine characters from the other desperate world stories near the end. In this story we meet Blay and Gwen. Blay from what we assume in the beginning is a created creature by a man with a lot of magic and power at his disposal. Blay is fighting against him, to kill him and take over the lands of the world they are in. Gwen is a psychic human that just so happens to be in the wrong place at the right time and helps Blay escape those searching for him. Blay never thought he'd find someone that he could trust, nor love but Gwen works her way in deep. When Drav comes for Gwen realizing that if he wants to control Blay he needs to take what he desires most, we learn that Blay is not some creature from a lab or magic. Blay is something far more powerful and his abilities are beyond what even he thought. Would you damn a reality to save one? Even if it cost you everything?

Just some food for thought, planning out stories and where they go. Feel free to look back through these stories, perhaps there's something I forgot to mention.... 

Thank you again for all the reads and votes 

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