what a day part one

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(yeah i didnt forget)

the next day you were at scourge's house and he was serving breakfeast and hecsaba was sitting across from you. " ehh im not gonna eat anything so.. im gonna just go.." she nervously trying to walk out the door then scourge hold out his hand " no your not your gonna eat then you can go " she sat back down and he served the plates but they were covered "dont eat it , its a trap "

" oh lighten up hecs. its just a special breakfeast" scourge assured he served the covered plates . you were a little nervous you slowly picked up the cover and your eyes widen with surprise it was your fave break feast foods |" omg scourge thank you so much! " you kissed him on the cheek " anytime babe" then you looked at hecsaba and smiled " well what are you waiting for open it" she looked at you " eh oh well lets just get this over with " she said as she opened it she was confused it was a note . then she looked at scourge " read it" he said she picked it up " watch your back gonna prank ya when you least expect it happy april fools week.." then she jumped up from her seat " bring it on im all ready for ya, BLAM! " then she left the room he put your arm around you " no she's not " all you did was giggled " so (y/n) are you gonna prank anyone " he asked " yeah |I'm gonna prank Alicia" he smirked " mm i would love to see that she would be so mad" he laughed thinking about it

" hey i'm gonna go prank her now so wanna come with me scourge?"

"i would love to i'll catch up i gotta do something about important ." you smiled not questioning because you trusted him fully " okay scourge see ya " you left " there gone now tell me how to get rid of you " scourge glared the female " dont worry "babe it will be over soon i just wanna enjoy my revenge." she smirked evilly.

Scourge x readerWhere stories live. Discover now