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Summer break had finally arrived, which meant that shouto todoroki gets to finally meet his grandmother.

Growing up, shouto did not necessarily have the best childhood and things got only harder for him after his mom was admitted to the hospital.

And in the midst of all this, his grandmother was the one who was there for him, the one who he could lean on too after his mom left, but unfortunately for shouto, his dad, endeavour had other plans for him.

Endeavour chased away shouto's grandmother into the countryside deeming that if she were to stay with shouto any longer, he would grow weak and that she became a hindrence to his training.

At first she opposed to it but of course it was of no use. She eventually had to move out, leaving little shouto all alone and completely crushed at the same time.

Since then shouto never met his grandmother. But after almost 10 years he decided to reach out to his grandmother again, which was around the same time he had decided to visit his mom.

After getting in touch with his grandmother again, Shouto made multiple plans to visit her, but something or the other would always come up and he had to cancel his plans.

But now, here he was boarding a bus to the hills of Tochigi* from Mustafu* to finally meet her. He was delighted to say the least, as his plan on visiting her had finally come into action.

A/N: here's the first chapter!! hope it's good.
please don't forget to vote, thank you <3

***Mustafa is a fictional town in BNHA where UA high is located and also where the todorokis reside.
Also TOCHIGI is a real town in Japan :)
( edited )

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