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You knew you should have gotten out of this relationship when he began hurting you.

You kept telling yourself that he's doing this because he loves you.

No matter how many times your friends tried to help you, you'd ignore them.

But one day, it got so bad.

"Go on (y/n)! Go and run off to Zayn! If I ever see your face again, I'll do worse," he growls at you.

You were lying on his floor and you scramble to your feet. Running out of his house and down the street, you got many concerned stares. Many people even stopped and tried to ask what was wrong.

But as you got to Zayn's house, you collapse onto the door. Your legs are burning from the running and they were weak. When the door opens, Zayn quickly scoops you in his arms and brings you inside.

He knows what happened;

He always has.

Zayn knew what your boyfriend did to you because you told Zayn everything. You made him promise not to tell the police because you were afraid what would happen if he did.

"(y/n)! Please (y/n)! Let me tell the police. I can't stand to see this happen to you."

But you don't answer him.

You were too afraid to speak.

Zayn lays you on his couch and he scans your body, looking at the marks that were left by your boyfriend.

"I hate him for doing this to you, (y/n). You don't deserve any of it! He doesn't deserve a sweet girl like you in his life!"

You knew Zayn was angry and you couldn't blame him. He loved you. And you loved him...that's why your boyfriend began hurting you.

You were slowly closing your eyes...

"No (y/n)! Please stay with me! I don't want to lose you!"

You feel his hands on your shoulders as he gently shakes you to keep you awake. But you were so tired and you couldn't keep your eyes open.

Then you feel something hit your face;

Zayn's tears.

"I love you, (y/n)...please...please wake up."

You tried to open your eyes and you could faintly see Zayn leaning over you; he was holding you in his arms again.

You tried to tell him that you loved him back, but no sound left your mouth.

"Cause there'll be no sunlight,

If I lose you baby.

There'll be no clear skies,

If I lose you baby.

Just like the clouds my eyes will do the same,

If you walk away,

Everyday it will rain,



His voice was cracking as he sang. As you felt yourself slowly slipping into unconsciousness, you had the strength to say, "I love you too, Zayn."

Zayn ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now