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the next day, i woke up with a bad headache. i had stayed up all night again, texting my best friends and forgetting the fact that time was passing by. i let out an annoyed sigh, slowly stood up and got ready for school. "mom, what did you prepare for breakfast?" i shouted, passing by the kitchen. "nothing. you're old enough to make your own meals!" she yelled back at me and continued whatever she was doing in her bedroom. seriously? a disappointed frown appeared on my face. it was already past seven pm, i had to pack even more food than usual because of my promise to felix and i had to hurry to not miss the bus which would drive me to school. the day had started amazingly.

"chan!," changbin shouted. i walked up to him and threw myself onto the chair next to him. "morning." my voice cracked and changbin laughed. not even a minute after, the teacher arrived and greeted us with a bunch of worksheets. everyone in my class rolled their eyes and groaned. changbin turned to me and whispered. "you know, minho and i got an idea. we will come with you, and hide of course, to see if you actually go on a date. aaaand we also don't want to miss this hilarious situation." he added. "what?! no way! what if felix sees you? he knows that i'm friends with all of you. and he most likely thinks you're assholes. so no, i won't al-" "quiet!," the teacher tensed up and looked at us, her drawn on brows almost reaching her uneven hairline.

the schoolday went by slowly and the lessons were tough, and the fact i was going to see felix at the park in the end of the day was the cherry on top. my mood was officially ruined for this entire week. the last lesson finished as the school bell rang and changbin and i left the class. once we were outside, we bumped into hyunjin and minho.

"and chan? aren't you excited for your romantic study date with a boy?," hyunjin mocked me. "oh shut up, you know damn well i'm not gay, after all this is only a dare! i still get more pussy than you."
"i can confirm that's true," mina, one of the many girls who thought she had a chance with me, joined us and took my hand. "what makes you think that when chan has me? also... what date were you talking about? h-have you found someone better to be with than me?" "stop assuming things! how about starting to mind your own business, hm?" this little bitch wouldn't let me alone since that one time i hooked up with her at a party. "anyways, i gotta go to the park now." i looked to my friends with a face full of disgust. "still better than having to strip, i guess," i then mumbled under my breath.

when i entered the park, felix was already awaiting me on a wooden bench with his schoolbag sitting on his lap, dangling his legs. his expressionless face turned into a genuine smile after seeing me.
"oh hi. you can sit with me. i packed my recent math notes and our book," he nervously scratched his neck as he was talking to me from far away. i made my way up to him and let myself fall onto the empty place next to him on the old bench. the birds were chirping loudly as a fresh breeze was surrounding us and blowing my styled hair softly to the side. even though there was not a single cloud in the sky, the sun had almost completely disappeared by the day being at its end. "hey felix. i also brought my book and as promised some food." i didn't dare to look directly into his eyes, for some reason i was pretty nervous in his presence. not that i was scared of him, but he had something about him that i wasn't used to.

i slowly handed him one of two ham sandwiches. he thanked me as he bit into it, i startet eating the one left in my hand. "so... where do you want to start? what topic have you been struggling with especially?," he asked me, our eyes meeting for the first time. "algebra, i think."
"you think?" "honestly i have been struggling with everything. no clue how i passed last year." we both laughed.

"how about we just go through every topic fast so we can see what you're having problems with the most and then revise those topics?" i nodded agreeing. as our eyes met again, i could swear he blushed but due to the lack of sunlight i wasn't too sure about that. to my surprise he was pretty good at explaining, and very nice to me too. i felt kind of bad for him, having to go through all of the bullying in school, and i felt bad about me abusing his friendliness for a dare.

soon enough, the sun had completely disappeared behind the horizon and the temperature sunk quickly. i noticed how felix started feeling cold as he was only wearing a tshirt and having goosebumps on his arms. to my luck, i had a jacket with me. but my heart controlled my body before my mind could and i had already asked him. "want my jacket? you seem to be cold." "thank you." he seemed surprised but truly thankful. i took the jacket and carefully wrapped it around him.

out of nowhere, a loud scream suddenly rang out and a dark haired boy appeared from behind a tree next to our bench. as i looked closer, it was no other than changbin. oh no. felix had noticed him too. "shit," i cursed under my breath. that dumbass had actually followed me. "oops," was all changbin had to say as he awkwardly stood in front of us. "hold on," felix said, his voice slightly trembling. "isn't he in your friendgroup? what is he doing here? was this all... planned? so you could laugh about me like everyone else?" "wait, no, it really isn't what it looks like-," i tried to explain, but felix had already stood up, face buried in his hands and ran away. changbin and i looked at each other, not knowing what to say or do. then he bursted out laughing. "god, did you see his facial expression? looked almost as if he wanted to cry." of course i felt guilty but i didn't want any of my friends to know that i had empathy with a gay boy, so i started giggling too. "why did you even scream?" i suppressed a smile. "a mosquito bit me! and it just wouldn't go away!" "oh man, you're such a crybaby."

i looked around. "didn't minho want to come too?" i asked. "he actually did come, but then he met this jaesung dude or whatever his name was and went to eat ice cream with him." changbin shrugged his shoulders. "unloyal motherfucker," i chuckled amused.

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