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Somewhere on Earth-666, Silver City...

Another departed soul had wound their way to my desk to have a personal section of so called heaven assigned to them. It was tough being the new god of the universe but oh did it feel good. The detective and I were hitting a new high in our relationship, everyone was happy. Of course some sacrifices were made on the way, but they were in a better place.

I do see why dear old dad said there was so much work to do. It's so monotonous that I had to figure out a way to have fun. I've made a game on guessing what each soul that passes by has for their greatest desire. Most of them are rather predictable but there's always the outliers.

Oh why this fellow right now, he seems so normal but his greatest desire was so outlandish. Died young in the military serving his country and made his way to heaven once he got over his guilt in killing during the war. Quite interesting, as he was only the second human to do that.

"What is your greatest desire, Kaz is it?" I asked him.

"I want to rule Hell," he replied.

"I beg your pardon?" I said in disbelief.

He went on to explain that he enjoyed seeing the damned get what they deserve and helping those that wanted redemption. Wow, it's always the quiet ones. This gave me a wonderful idea, could even kill two birds with one stone- human I guess.

Joyful Maze has been complaining that I have yet to put her on the throne of Hell yet after he dear mid life crisis on her relationship with Eve. Too bad that they never worked out. For my dear twin Michael, he's been stewing after I cut off his wings for his coup d'état on who would become the next God. I already know he's merely scheming again, slimy snake he is.

I'll give this human what he wishes for. I'll send him to mother's universe to keep Michael out of my hair. Of course Maze might get a little angry at her old partner in crime, but in my defense. She didn't specify which Hell she wanted to rule over. I would take a page from one of the supernatural creations from Mom's world. Ghost Rider I believe it was called. A human powered by an angel spirit to punish those full of sin and one of them even became the ruler of his own hell even if he was no longer. Angel power source was a check, Maze could just join in to keep him out of trouble. Maybe they will even fall together, it would be nice as Maze is afraid of being alone without anyone to love. I could be such a genius sometimes.

Now just time to snap my fingers and bring traitorous Michael to my desk. Another clap to bring Mazikeen here also. My how wonderful were these powers to be omnipotent, I should make everyone have a musical in secret like father did.

The called on people then fell from the ceiling and landed on the floor in rather humorous positions. Both looked confused before one went to choke our dear lord and the other looked like they were gonna stab someone.

"Ah, just the two people I was looking for. Welcome, welcome come take a seat. I have a wonderful idea I would like to include you too." I said.

"Lucifer you damn bastard, you dare bring me here when you've consigned me to the life of a filthy custodian, I outta kill you right now," my dear brother said.

Maze was just was tapping her fingers against her leg wanting to know what the hell she was doing here.

"Now now dear brother, I'm so glad you are enjoying your new position at the department. Amenadial has been raving about how you scrub the toilets after Taco Night. Now settle down."

"What are we doing here Lucifer, you still haven't been good on your promise," she half shouted.

"Maze, I have done you even one better. You will get to rule over Hell, I even have another gift for you. I know how down you have been since that spat with Eve. After seeing how wonderful dad's gift of the detective has been for me. I decided to do the same for you. You see that dull human soul over there? In a few moments I will give him a rebirth as one of my first children, he will be my gift to you. He will be tailored to you, I hope you two have a wonderful love for eternity."

This got her attention, as she went wide eyed before getting suspicious.

"What's the catch, you always have a ulterior motive Lucifer."

"Yes quite, you see both of you are going to another dimension. Without your bodies, you shall be placed inside Kaz over here as he becomes one of Mom's super powered creations," I laughed.

"What!" They both screamed.

Then before they could do anything I made a grabbing motion, effectively yanking their souls from their shells and tossing them into Kaz. He was still rather robotic considering his soul just got reprogrammed but he should fine. Hell, I'll even give him Michael's old wings. Oh the delightful irony. He needed a body too, should probably make one. Ah but as my first creation he must be perfect. A little that, a little of this. Oh I wonder if father and mother will be proud seeing him. I'll add a little bit of the detective, hopefully she won't find out but it'll truly be our first child not just mine. Once I finished my creation, a small tear came from my eye. Wiping it I threw my new son into a portal I opened, most likely catching the eye of mother since she was the god of that universe. All in a good days work.

"Lucifer, your not messing around again are you? You almost destroyed the world last time," a feminine voice called from a different room.

"Of course not detective, I wouldn't risk our world like that but a different world was fair game."

"Did you say something?" Said Chloe.

"No, no of course not. Now detective how about we grab some lunch. We can visit Dan on the way, it's on the way anyway." I said.

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