Modern Jacob is sick 😔

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Coughing and spluttering is what woke me up from my peaceful sleep.

Turning over in my bed to notice that the bathroom door was slightly ajar with a flood of light allowing itself to dimly brighten the darkness of our room. I immediately I know what's up and my legs swing me up into a sitting position on the edge of my bed. My feet sink into the comforting fluffy soles of my slippers and I stand up, my eyes still bleary.

Firstly, I grab "the" bucket from the supply closet just outside our room and some fresh towels. I place them neatly beside his side of the bed with the bucket on top. Secondly, I scamper down the stairs and into the kitchen to fetch him a glass of water which I place on his bedside table. Thirdly, I prepare myself to go into the bathroom. I'd never done too well with sick, but I knew I had to be vigilant and help him as best I could.

"Jacob?" My voice was still a whisper as I peer around the door, he's leaned with his head over the toilet and he's audibly panting. I see him wipe his chapped lips with the back of his calloused hands. His bare shoulders rise and fall with his heavy breathing and he barely turns his head to look at me, but from what I could tell, his usually porcelain skin was paler than usual. I sit on the edge of the bathtub which is just beside the toilet and pat his back gently.

"All done?" I ask awkwardly as he clears his throat in attempt to get rid of the awful taste.

"I think so... For now anyways." Jacob stands up from his kneeling position and flushes the nasty fluids away before washing his hands. His eyes seem slightly bloodshot and watery, no doubt from the gagging. I offer him a sympathetic smile in the mirror and hug him from behind. I'm only just able to rest my chin on his shoulder.

"I have everything ready for you back in our room."

He chuckles softly and smiles slightly, "Thanks. I'll be there in a minute."

I let him go and retreat back to bed with my bedside lamp on, waiting for him. He comes back in a minute later and gets back into bed after taking a sip of the water I set out for him. I place my palm against his forehead and he waits whilst I evaluate his temperature. He's running a fever, but it doesn't seem too bad.

"How are you feeling?" I look him in the eyes and settle my hand on his, rubbing his knuckles with my thumb.

"Tired... Gross... I have a banging headache." He settles into bed properly, laid on his back.

"Then I suppose you won't be 'at work' tomorrow, then." I smile down at him, to which he screws up his eyes and lets out an irritated sounding whine. If there was one thing Jacob hated, it was having to spend days off from liberating the exploited people of London due to illness or injury. I, on the other hand, love when Jacob isn't putting his life in danger for a day or two. It gave me peace of mind knowing that my boyfriend wasn't going into harms way. Sometimes, there'd be nights where Jacob was 'working late' and wouldn't come home until the early hours of the next morning. On nights like those, I'd barely be able to sleep and sometimes have a reoccurring nightmare where I'm told terrible news by Jacob's twin sister or his ally in the forces, Freddy Abberline.

Having Jacob home was perfect for me. It settled all my nerves and stopped those dreaded night terrors that I'd subsequently wake up in tears from.

I rolled my eyes and giggled, "Don't be silly,  you'll be out there again fighting for the right of the people within a day or two. You have an entire, prospering gang out there to take over in times like this."

"I suppose so... I'm just never able to feel like I'm doing enough. Evie and Greenie are out looking for that blasted Piece of Eden whilst I'm here trying to control the Templar influence in the boroughs but I'm the one being told that I'm not being helpful?" Jacob sighed heavily and briefly threw his hands up from where they were against the cotton sheets of our bed. I take ahold of his hand again and rest it in my lap, listening to every word he said. In all honesty, I'd never understood the magical Pieces that Evie always mused about when she came to visit. According to Jacob, they were basically a waste of time and held no importance to him whatsoever. Whilst I was affiliated with the Creed, such wonders weren't in my line of knowledge.

"I know, Jacob. You're doing great! You've already regained control of Whitechapel, Lambeth and The Thames. Evie and Henry are just... Thinking on... Long term matters?" It was obvious that the uncertainty in my voice hadn't passed Jacob's notice and he huffed with a shrug.

"I think they're wasting their time... In the end, we're better off taking down the influence and giving the people their rights back. The way my sister rambles on about those bloody Pieces... Healing the sick and controlling the populace..."

"Sounds like you could use one of those right about now." A smirk manages to paint itself across his face, slightly stretching the light-coloured line that was once a scar on his jaw. "Please give Evie a chance. You two don't always see eye to eye, but she may be onto something if you just let her explain her view on things." Jacob nods and turns onto his side, facing me. His pretty brown eyes can barely keep themselves open and I decide that he's probably had enough of a pep-talk for one day. I lean over to turn off the bedside lamp and snuggle back into the sheets, cuddling up to him. "You'd better still be here in the morning, you're unfit to be jumping rooftops and climbing Big Ben."

Jacob doesn't say anything, but hums with little effort in response as he buries his nose into my hair and lets himself to be lulled to sleep. I follow suit not too long later.

[Timeskip brought to you by Britain's economy almost being destroyed by a himbo in a top hat]

I rub my eyes before sitting on the edge of the bed. He's still here, thank God.

The first thing I do, with a lot of reluctance and a grimace on my face is check "the" bucket. I sigh in relief though when I see that it's still empty and place it back down by the bedside, thus waking up my beloved idiot.

"Good morning, sunshine. How do you feel?" I place a hand on his cheek noting that his face doesn't feel half as warm as it did last night.

"Still tired... Still have a headache..." Jacob swings his legs over the side of the bed, knocking over the bucket in the process and places a hand on his head. I place my own hand on his shoulder.

"I'll get you some medicine, stay right here."

"I'm fine," He argues as he tries to stand up, "I don't need you running around after me all day, love..." but a dizzy spell catches him out and he nearly falls straight into the wall, luckily I'm just about able to steady him before that happens. I sit him down again and give him a stern look. He raises his hands in sarcastic surrender and lays down again.

Heading back into the bathroom, I can hear him mumbling and grumbling to himself about being ill and how much he hates it, I'd make sure Evie knows that he's not just slacking off today. I open the cabinet and take out the pain relief before returning to my boyfriend's side. I pass him the two little white tablets and he takes them, washing them down with the last of his water.

"Are you feeling hungry? I can make you some toast or something if you feel like you can stomach it?" He shakes his head and wipes his hands down his face.

"Maybe in a couple hours, not right now though... Thanks anyways, love."

The rest of the day was spent with me tailoring to his every need, despite Jacob hating the fact that I was allowing him to rest. We played his favourite games, watched his favourite movies and series and I played his favourite music whilst I did a skin care routine on him- he was unenthusiastic about the idea of face masks and serums at first, but afterwards admitted that it was a relaxing experience.

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