Forsaken Settlement

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[Author Notes]

Alright, present Naidvar here. This was the aforementioned sequel mentioned inside of my other published work, Forbidden Campsite. This is technically the forbidden work that got taken down on the other site that I write on, so here it is reuploaded in all of its glory and to serve as its rightful sequel!

I'm still awful at writing smut and thankfully this is the last one I have to offer, anything uploaded from here on out will either be duplicates of my works on the other site or will be original words not relating to the mature scene. This one mentions more coarse phrasing and references compared to the other one, though!

[Alright, enjoy past Naidvar now and enjoy the story!]

After private requests and quite honestly not being fulfilled with the ending of my first smut one-shot, I have decided to bestow a sequel upon you lovely individuals!

This one-shot is set shortly after my previous work, Forbidden Campsite. For those who haven't read it, I highly recommend doing so if you'd like to maximize the amount of context you have.

I would also like to mention that parts of this plot are highly experimental, so I apologise if there are any inconsistencies; I wished to try something new and hopefully you guys enjoy what I've created!

Alright, let us delay this no further. Naidvar proudly presents to you...

Forsaken Settlement

9 AM – Tigress's Diary – Unknown Forest...

Entry #15

Day 15 of being trapped inside of this forsaken oasis...

At first, I was content with our creation, I looked forward to making up for what I had lost thanks to

my father's decision to intervene whilst I was expressing my true feelings for that panda... now I am filled with angst, however, I do not regret the events of that fateful eve.

Po has always been romantically challenged, his agreement to our forbidden act inside of that tent came as a shock to me... it's just a shame that none of us came during said act. He has chosen to distance himself from me ever since the incident happened, well... sexually. He's still okay with the occasional kiss or flirt but it seems as if the wisdom bestowed upon him in the Spirit Realm has turned him away from that path.

Although my moment was ruined by my father, I will have to admit, taking a slower course with Po has been fantastic. He's truly taught me a lot whilst we've been trapped within this forest. Crane has been scouting regions of the forest looking for an escape, unfortunately, it seemed as if we've only just dove deeper into the abyss and are unable to find a way out.

If anything, my feelings for the Dragon Warrior have only developed throughout our expedition inside of this forest. There's no doubt that discontent and concern has grown in the Valley of Peace. With some faith, Li Shan would've sent his diplomats to ensure we've safely arrived only for them to conclude that we never arrived home. I would much rather have our valley be run by pandas instead of absolutely no one at all... I just wonder why Po and I had to venture so deep into this forest. I remember the aforementioned trail that led them to our location only to ruin our fun. We slept peacefully that night, despite the friction shared between baba and me. He's still in shock that he caught me desecrating my honour... but I think he's more or less shocked that I dared to do such a thing with Po.

Baba has always known Po as an innocent soul and to see him engage in something as fierce as passionate love-making has forever scarred him, he even tried to lecture me about potentially manipulating the panda. Thankfully, Po came to my aid during that lecture and informed him that he knew about what he was getting into; it's just a damn shame that we haven't been able to do it again.

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