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Asmo woke up in the hotel after a steamy night of lust.

'Geez for a human he went pretty rough.'

He get out of the bed quietly to change. Once he was presentable he left. 

Now what was Asmo doing in the human world?

He wanted to see them. After the exchange program ended he missed everything about them. Their voice, their body, their touch. Oh their touch he never felt so safe and warm just by a touch before. He might have been influenced by Mammon since he wanted them for himself.

He asked Lucifer beforehand if he could go to the human world for 'makeup that was coming out today.' Lucifer would've probably made it a family trip so Asmo lied and looked up their information from the exchange program where you lived and asked Lucifer to teleport him to a big city not to far away to make it not suspicious.

'They should live around here.'

He looks at his phone at the picture that he took of their information to confirm the address.

Asmo texts them.

Hey lovely come outside 🥰:Asmo

(Y/N)😘: Huh? Did you text the wrong person?? 🤔


He looks up and sees them look out the window and panics and shuts the curtains.

Soon they show up at the main entrance of the apartment building.


They run up and hug him. He instantly hugs back.

"What are you doing here?! Did the others tag along? I missed you so much!"

He chuckles.

"I came to see you silly. No they don't know I came to see you, and I miss you too."

He kisses the top of their head. His heart was beating so fast and he could melt in their touch any minute.

"Let's go inside, sorry in advance, my apartment is a mess."

"I could care less about that."

Asmo is lead up the stairs.

"Well it's not much since I am a broke college student."

They open up the doors and the place was a bit messy but it seemed very comfortable.

"Well welcome to my home I guess nothing to fancy like your guys' manor back in Devildom."

"This is nice, real comfy..."


They gester him to take a seat.

"So how have you been? Any crazy stories about your flings?"

"I've been good darling, and no I honestly haven't had flings since you left other than last night to get a free hotel room."

"Really? Huh that's surprising. Is there a reason why?"

"Yes, but that's to be answered another time."

They pat his head.

'Please touch me more.'

"I see."

"So what's with the pent up sexual tension? I'm the avatar of lust you can't hide that from me."


Their face becomes red.

"Awe you won't tell me?"

"It's embarrassing..," They pause. "Actually..the drunk text you sent me a week ago...did you mean it?"

"Mean what dear?"

"That you love me?"

'Damn you drunk self.'

"Well how would you react if I said yes?"

They move closer to his face and kisses him.

His heart praticly stops. He wanted to cry and so he did. Pathetic for him the most beautiful and one of strongest demon in Devildom crying in front of a human.

"Asmo what's wrong?!"

Their face was full of worry as they held his face gently. Mascara ran down his face along with some snot, he didn't like full on crying since he consider himself an ugly cryer.

"I-." He couldn't find himself to say the words he wanted.

"Calm down you're okay."

He holds one of their hands.

"I love you more than I can ever love myself. I thought it would be impossible to love someone else but you changed that. You see me as me not some demon who's crazy for sex. I can't handle that. I don't understand it. I'm scared honestly. For centuries I held up this persona to live to up to being the avatar of lust. I have to live up to what humans and demons expected me to be. You though (Y/N) you don't expect me to hold up that persona..you broke down every wall of mine like it was paper. I scared to experience what love really is and how beautiful it can be, but I love you (Y/N) and I'll keep on saying it!"

Their face was full of shock.



"I love you too."

They hug him tightly, and kiss him more passionately.

'Yes please more!'

"I'm sorry I bet it's not attractive to see me like this..."

"No, it's okay to show your vulnerable side.."

They wipe his face a little with a tissue.


"Yes Asmo?"

"Please hold me, your touch makes me feel multiple things.."

"Like what?" They sit next to him and pull him to them.

"Safety... warmth...love...I could go on all day."

They play with his hair as he slowly falls asleep.

(Y/N) sat there with the sleeping demon on them as they wondered.

Why was Asmo afraid of love? Was it because of his sin and he didn't trust it in a relationship because it could influenced him to cheat? Or was it something else that not even they could think of?


(Y/N) loved him since they became friends, at first they thought it was because of his sin but it was genuine love they felt for the demon.

"I'll show you love."

They kiss the sleeping beauty on forehead and gently pick him up. They walk to their bed and place the demon there. Making sure he was comfortable they go to leave.

Asmo grabs their hand.

"Don't leave please."

"Okay Asmo I won't. I'll stay right by your side."


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