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Asmo woke up to his phone being taken out of his pocket.

"Oh sorry, your phone kept vibrating. I didn't mean to wake you."

"It's okay.."

They look at his phone that was still going off.

"It's Lucifer, he seems pretty mad."

"Oh well he can stay mad."

He's given his phone and answers it.

"Asmodeus where have you been?! I've been trying to call you since last night."

Asmo looked and saw '50+ missed call from Luci🥵' along with five hundred text messages.

"Awe you care, anyway sorry I was busy with stuff, their was a whole fight at the store where I was getting the makeup and so it took forever by the time I got out it was late so I got me a hotel room."

"Asmo you should stop lying you'll get worse punishment if you do."

"Is that (Y/N)? I'm going to the human world to get you!"

Lucifer was angry and it could be felt from the other side of the phone.

Asmo just hangs up not caring.

"Will you come back to Devildom with me?"

"I-" They start talking, but Asmo cuts them off.

"I can help you out! I can move all your things to your room in the manor and get your classes online and then-"

"Asmo calm down, I've actually been talking to Lord Diavolo about moving to Devildom, I got it all situated I just need to actually move now."

That's when he finally noticed the boxes.

'I was more focused on them..'


They smile.

"Well now that Lucifer is coming we can finally move my stuff in my old room in the manor."

Asmo smiles back as they run a hand through his hair and kiss him.


The two turn to see an angry Lucifer.

"Oh hey Lucifer long time no see."

"Hello (Y/N), Asmodeus you are in big trouble."

"Oh well it was worth it to be in (Y/N)'s arms again."

"Don't go too hard on him.."

"Well it all depends. Now why did you lie to me so you can see (Y/N)?"

"Well I'm in love with them. It took me a while to admit it to myself that I love someone more than myself.. so I decided to confess..well I didn't know if I was going to confess..."

"You could of just told me you wanted to see (Y/N) privately."

"Well I didn't want tagalongs.."

"Well for your punishment you'll assist (Y/N) with moving."


Lucifer sighs.

"Anyways I'll get a portal open again and you two can start moving these boxes and whatever else (Y/N) wants moved."


'What did I get myself into..'

Asmo was sweaty, which he didn't find attractive.

"Nice, this is the last thing!"

'I'm definitely going to take a bath.'

Asmo sets the last box down.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2021 ⏰

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