Two- He wouldn't do that

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One by one, the boys shook Maura's hand.

"Hi, I'm Phil"


I skip past Tommy and shake the hand of the brunette.

"Toby, nice to meet you"

"Hi, I also like your hair" I smile, him blushing slightly and covering his cheeks.

"And thanks for calling me pretty, I think you're also kinda pretty" He blushes even more, looking at a very pissed Tommy nervously.

"Can you stop flirting with my best friend!"

"Oh? No apology or are we pretending it didn't happen infront of your friends?" She smirks before grimacing.

"Oh fuck off" He rolls his eyes at her statement, knowing she's right.

"You didn't seem to mind flirting with my best friend" Maura frowns "The only difference is that we aren't in a relationship, right now"

"We never flirted! I told you that" He mumbles. Maura loses her temper and slaps him, going on her toes to reach. He stumbles a bit and his friends look at the scene, shocked. She tries to hit him again, only the be held back by Mark. Phil and Toby stand infront of Tommy but she could still see him. Tommy wore a guilty look on his face as he tried to avoid eye contact.

"I've fallen for that lie before" She spat, struggling to get out of Mark's grip "When I caught you kissing my best friend! You both told me that it wasn't what it looked like! I believed you like a fucking idiot! AND I caught you both AGAIN on my fucking birthday!"

"Maura, my bear-" Tommy tries to calm her, walking back over to her.

"You have no right to call me that" Maura scoffs, elbowing Ranboo's side and making his hands retreat "Did you know that I didn't leave my bed for a month?"

"Did you know I didn't leave my room for 4 months?" Maura practically whimpers, stood close to him "Of course you didn't cause you didn't bother talking to me! You were too busy with your girlfriend, my old best friend, my non-biological sister"

"Tommy what the fuck, man" Toby says, eyes wide. Maura notices Tommy's eyes flicker from her eyes to her lips and quickly looks away.

"Maura!" Jacob whines, dragging out the 'ra'. Maura pulls out her phone to check the time.

"Shit" She mutters "Gotta go"

"Fuck you, Tommy" Maura mutters, before leaving with her brother.

"Jacob just flipped me off" Tubbo scoffs, laughing slightly.

"Um I'm gonna sit out for a while" Tommy mutters, frowning.

"Hey Tommy, did that actually happen?" Ranboo asks him, slightly concerned.

"It wasn't entirely accurate" He mumbles

"Um Tommy, you want to take about it, mate?" Phil asks, looking at the depressed boy.

"I'm gonna sit outside"

"You want company, Boss man?"

"Not right now, Toby"

-Maura Pov-

I faced away from the boys, letting tears fall. Walking back to Jacob, he  asked why I was crying. I ignored his question and we left the main area.

"Please can we get another hour? Please? Pleasssssseee!" Jacob repeatedly asked.

"Fine, I'll get 30 minutes and No more, okay?" I sigh, pulling out my wallet. Jacob grabbing the wristbands, I hand the tall women the money.

Walking back in, Tommy walks passed with tear stained cheeks. I felt bad but quickly remembered he deserved whatever pain he was going through. I'd never forgive him! That sentence repeated in my head, focusing on a specific word. Never.

Suddenly feeling more depressed, I decided my best choice was food. So I headed over to the main entrance, after saying a quick 'be good' speech to Jacob, where multiple vending machines stood. I gathered a couple snacks and walked outside for fresh air.

"Oh" I say, half surprised when I saw Tommy sat just opposite to the entrance. He quickly wipes away tears, pretending he was fine.

"Hey" He smiles sadly, avoiding eye contact.

"I'll just go back inside" I mutter awkwardly, dropping a packet of crisps. After quickly grabbing it, Tommy suddenly stands up and runs over. Grabbing my wrist, he turns me around to face him

"Wait, please...just let me explain" Tommy pleads, desperation present on his face.

"Explain what" I snap, snatching my wrist away.

"I swear to god we never dated" He finally makes eye contact "She only kissed me those two times you saw! Both times I tried to tell her I didn't like her and my heart was with you! God, you think I went out with her? I didn't even leave my room for months, hardly streamed and hardly talked to anyone and that includes my own mother!"

He takes a deep breath before stepping closer to me "I loved- I do love you, Maura"

"Bullshit" I spat, tears daring to escape my eyes "You're full of shit Tommy and I'll never forgive you"

"Bullshit" He smiles, sadly. Tommy grabs my cheek softly, wiping my tears away.

"You haven't even fucking apologised" I mumble, pushing him away.

"I'm sorry, okay? I'm so goddamn sorry! I have thought about you almost every day for the past three fucking years and I didn't even do anything!" He almost yells, making me back away slightly "You're almost always in my fucking mind so I think you should apologise!"

"Me! Me? I should apologise? For fucking what?!" I screech, laughing in disbelief.

"For stealing my heart! And then giving it the fuck back!" He shouts back, making me walk back further.

"Tommy, please stop" I sigh, walking back inside and leaving the crying boy alone outside.

—Tubbo Pov—

"You want company, boss man?" I asked Tommy. I hadn't realised that the two had such a complicated past and it seemed to really get to him.

"Not right now, Toby" He sighs, trudging out the room. 

My mind was conflicted for a few moments, feeling bad for both of them. I couldn't help the thoughts that entered my mind.

Did he really do that to her? Why the fuck would he do that? That's so shitty. Did he actually do it though? My bear? I have so many questions.

"Well that was...dramatic" Mark sighs, looking too awkward.

"Would he actually do that though?" I ask, after a couple minutes of awkward silence

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