Where am I? "Hello I am your mind, allow me to introduce myself" *squints eyes* My Mind? "Yes I am your mind, im here to keep you busy while you are here in a coma, if you think the right things and pass through a series of events you will wake up, but until then.." Until what? "Nothing" WHAT DO YOU MEAN NOTHING!... HELLO..
The Voice Disappears
Oh great, I am trapped with nothing with my thoughts.
I really messed up didn't I?
Why do I even try anymore, I'm so lost to the point where I just can not contain my anger, every time something goes good for me it just disappears, out of thin air. I say the right things to make other people happy and to put myself down. I lie to myself on the daily to make the people around me want to be around me, when in reality I can not stand myself. I feel like the people around me hate me and do not like me but are still here for their benefit. Everyone throws me in the dark when they wanna make themselves look good, why cant I get a break of people killing me mentally. I take things too literally sometimes because im too used to people saying stuff with violent intent and I forget if its a joke.
Continues later