Romance in Zombieland!

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So one of our readers is looking for a story set in the zombie apocalypse. Its the story of a girl who escapes an abusive survivor group to another, where she falls in love with their rough leader.

In Details

A young woman somehow becomes part of a survivor group. The survivor group is in a large facility and has quite a lot of people in it, all with assigned jobs. One man is the leader, a man quite a bit older than her, and he takes an interest in her. The woman was previously abused and assaulted by the group she had been with, so she's reserved and has trauma.

One day, she lies in bed fantasizing about the leader man (who is good, but needs to have an iron fist in the position he's in to keep the group safe, so he does some bad things throughout the story like kill people) and he walks in on her... and joins her.

Another is the man has multiple wives none of which he pays much attention too, and at one point the woman is walking if the cafeteria of the facility and an elderly couple comes up to her warns her that the man might be using her. She snaps at them and leaves  but the leader finds out and beats the husband of the elderly couple up

Another point in the story is that a  man from the woman's previous survival base who is the source of her greatest traumas comes to this one and joins, and she walks in on him talking to the leader who she has grown to love and be intimate with. She gets assaulted by this man in a closet but is saved.

Multiple times when she and the leader get intimate, she has PTSD and has freak outs, expecting him to hurt her like other men.

So guys if you know anything about this story, do drop a comment or DM.
Your help would be much appreciated!


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2021 ⏰

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