Part 9

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Alleluia ! After many months I managed a new chapter (sorry everyone ^^;). I want to end this before september so be prepared for more chapters at least one per week (oh and smut on the next chapter, I swear !) Enjoy !

The last dance, the last toast, the last speech...
They went back to the house. At almost 4 AM. They were exhausted but they had just the time to get some sleep. Fran and Larry had to get to the plane early so they went with deep circles under their eyes and a massive hangover for Larry. They were truly worn-out newlyweds.
Yet they seemed happy as they hoped in the taxi to the airport. Loki sincerely wished it.
As he wished that everything would be fine those three weeks with Thor...
And, seeing that Thor was clenching his teeth while seeing the taxi disappearing down the lane, it was not a sure thing.
Feeling his own hands shaking didn't help.

Once the door was closed, Loki could hear his heart in his own ears. He forced himself to breathe. Thor was also quiet. Loki had his back turned on him, pretending to return to the salon. Looking at Thor right now was too hard. Too intense. He could smell him, see him with his back on the door, waiting for Loki to make some gesture...
Loki used the "cool host" technique. Whatever happens, act as a host. One of Francesca's etiquette lessons. A car breaks in front of you ? A disturbed individual roams in your garden ? Cops at the door ? An angry neighbor raving and ranting for whatever reason ? Act like an host. Loki wasn't so sure about the disturbed individual and the angry neighbor though... But acting polite, in control and calm made bullies confused. So it seemed appropriate right now. Sometimes it worked. And Thor wasn't irrational, Thor was just as tense and confused as Loki was. Nothing more.
"So... What do you wanna do ?"
Thor was not making a sound. Loki hoped he was not going to bounce on him and carry him to the bedroom on his shoulder like a caveman... If they were going to make it to the bedroom anyway... Thinking about it, it might be scary yet... thrilling to Loki.
"Loki...." Thor's voice was hoarse " I forgot to tell you..."
Before he could say any more, a booming voice made them jump out of their skin.
And before Loki realized what the hell was going on, the whole football team barged in with the whole "crazy party" equipment, yelling, screaming, alcohol-holding, half-naked, stupid hats wearing (one had his own underwear stuck on his head, luckily he still had his pants on) and looking adamant the Laufeyson house was now their personal pigsty.
Loki looked at that newly arrived pandemonium then at Thor. The way Thor blanched indicated Loki that he currently had a VERY scary look.
"I... might have told a pal or two... about the fact that we would be alone... And..."
He couldn't finish his sentence for one of the hooligans was trying to play (or rather hammer down on the poor instrument...) the latest muzak song on Francesca's piano and Thor had to run to save him from Loki's wrath.


One word could describe the following 24 hours : CHAOS.
Two words could sum up Loki's state of mind during that period : MASS MURDER.
And four could do a digest of Thor's conclusion of all this : I am soooo dead...
On a rational level, Thor's football friends in the end were not the total jerks Loki thought them to be for so long. They had easily guessed that Thor had not forewarned his new stepbrother and, as much as they disliked the "weird kid" that was their dad's boss's son (and nothing more until then), they were smart enough not to push Loki's buttons too much. Partly because they did like Thor, Mr. Popular Guy, partly because they did not want to antagonize his step-dad (who had their families' income in his hands) and partly because Loki made the huge effort to be a good, though unwilling, host, showing graciously the house around, providing beers and appetizers, getting the pool ready, setting the home movie set on and such... All the while, throwing daggers through his eyes to his blanching new "brother."
Especially when one of the dumb blonde cheerleaders they brought with them openly flirted with Thor. Meaning that she sat on his lap right away before he said anything and started giggling and chatting like a parrot in his ear, gluing her arms around his neck...
Loki had to remember that his father kept the guns in his safe with a good password he changed every week. So, no use there. Luckily...
He decided to endure and make Thor pay dearly afterwards.

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