Part 12

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Aaand that's all folks ! I'll be retiring from fanfiction for a while... But I'll be back ! Thanks to you all !

Loki and Thor reacted immediately. One by throwing the blanket on the assailant's face and weapon, the other by grabbing the baseball bat that stood by the bed and hitting the screaming ghost in the legs and belly with such force that it fell piteously, yelling at the top of its lungs, cursing his bastard son and his male prostitute, sons of the great whore of Sodom etc.
Thor grabbed Loki (both still stark naked) and rushed out of the room. They managed to close the door and block it with furnitures. The banshee behind was still on it, banging on the door. Unfortunately, Larry had made them rather thick for soundproofing.
They ran to the ground floor. The loud banging increased. They grabbed haphazard trousers while Thor was trying to reach 911. They had actually rehearsed the attack so they tried to be accurate and stick to their plan. Holding his phone, still talking to the operator, graping the bat and guiding Loki, who had managed to get a kitchen knife and a hammer from the toolbox, Thor headed towards the only place that was more or less secure : Larry's office.

Loki prayed that a sudden enlightenment would tell him the damn password.

The banging went on an on though the yelling was simply inaudible. Thor prayed that his sire would remain dumb enough to believe that he would get free by shouting Scriptures at a piece of wood while forgetting about his gun. One thing he had time to notice : his sire's renewed interest in the spiritual life. Once upon a time, he was too busy torturing his wife and child and cutting them from the real world to remind himself the actual word of god. Prison did him a lot of good apparently...
They were locked in Larry's room. They were safe but also trapped. The operator reassured Thor that police was on its way. Thor hoped they would hold the fort against the crazy creature upstairs until then. While Thor observed his brother/lover searching the room frantically for the umpteenth time for a clue to gain access to the damn guns... Thor made a silent prayer to whoever, whatever was watching to protect his Loki who deserved none of this from this mad creature. He didn't deserve losing his mother, seeing his home invaded by strangers, having an incestuous (though passionate) affair with his own freshly made stepbrother to finally get killed by a deranged psychopath...
And then Thor remembered that he had done nothing wrong himself. He and, most of all, his mother didn't deserve being treated like cattle, forced to obey and to shut up and brainwashed down to their very soul until there was nothing left to save...
Thor finally felt anger and rage, more than fear or stress. He would protect Loki first and foremost and then his mother and Larry.
Till the very end if necessary.


Playing with the bat, Thor surprised himself with his apparent calm. The situation was dire but they were clearly in control. The police was on its way, they were temporarily safe. They had the means to protect themselves and furthermore, the enemy was not playing with a full deck, clearly. Time and prison had taken a toll on his father... Well, on his sire.
"Did you recognize him ?"
Loki's hushed voice woke him up from his stream of consciousness.
- Loki, I couldn't see him clearly but, I don't know... He seems crazier. No surprise here.
Thor looked at Loki carefully.
– Did YOU recognize him ?
- Thor, he was the school gardener, you know ? The new guy ? In the rose garden near the library ? Have you ever noticed ?" Nastily, Loki remembered that Thor RARELY went near the library. "Why didn't you tell me he was an albino ? I would have busted him right away !
Thor gave Loki a puzzled look.
- Loki, my father NEVER was an albino ! What are you talking about ?
Loki realized his mistake. He never saw the man's eyes, so he couldn't say if they were the typical red color of albinism or something else with those thick sunglasses. His hair might have turned white in prison or he could have bleached them. And he could have used make-up to easily whiten his skin. He wasn't showing much skin anyways. Playing an albino gardener made him noticeable but since Thor's biological father wasn't one, no one would suspect of foul play.
- Damn, he tricked me into talking about you...
Thor sighed.
- Loki, I told you. The bastard's got the cunning of Satan himself.
- No more religious innuendos, Thor, please. I've had enough for a whole life.
Thor chuckled.
-Then we should stay quiet. The door won't hold him long. In his ape-like brain, he must have guessed how to get out.
Indeed, there was a loud bang. Olaf Odinson had finally thought about shooting the doorknob and force the door to open. The boys went silent in seconds. There was a noise of footsteps, furnitures turned upside. Something was smashed (Loki hoped it wasn't the hall's big mirror, his mother had it sent from Italy...). They couldn't locate the noise. Clearly their opponent was searching the whole house for them. Larry's door was the same color as the rest of the hall so in the dark, if you didn't see the silver doorknob, you wouldn't guess it was there. Sometimes, Larry's weird ideas could be very clever. Then came a long silence Loki didn't like at all.
-Son ? Son, I'm sorry...
They both jumped. The voice was whiny, like the one of a miserable drunk.
-I love you so much... and your mama... I just wanted to protect you... Shield you from the evils of the world. That's all I ever wanted, that's all I want !
Loki froze. Thor made a grimace, clearly in anger.
– Your mama, she is weak to the flesh... And you, you ! Look what you've done !
Thor rose his eyes to the ceiling. Loki took a firm grip on his knife and hammer.
-Son, please ? Please ? I love you... I love you all so much... I just want you have you both back, in my loving embrace...
"Rather in your loving prison." Thor thought. There was another silence. It killed Loki's nerves. Then a quick pace and someone was clearly ransacking the house, loud thumps and crashes were heard everywhere. He was clearly running from one room to another, smashing the doors and everything he seemed fit. Then roaring screams took place that seemed to shook the walls. "Dear god, he is totally insane." Loki thought. "He is going to kill us." He hoped to hear the sirens soon, very soon.
-Adulteress ! Adulteress ! "Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled..." The voice ranted... " "..for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous !!" That's for your whore of a mother, boy !
"Fuck you." Thor silently mouthed.
-And YOU, you bastard of Sodom ! Shame on you ! "If a man lies with a man ... They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads" !! You are DEAD, boy ! Ya hear me ?! DEAD !!
Then things happened quickly. A series of shot came closer to the office, making the boys shiver. The lunatic was shooting inside while approaching. Loki went to the side of the door, in spite of Thor's protestations. Then, finally, sirens were heard in the distance and the crazy man stopped the shooting, possibly to hear the upcoming cops... Then a roar and a loud bang on the office door. Loki blood curdled and Thor blanched.

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