The Getaway pt. 1

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Okay everyone, sorry I've been such a P.O.S. and haven't updated - I've been super busy with volleyball and AP tests, so I just kept putting off finishing this "chapter" (if you'd call it that). Any-who, I decided that the best thing for me to do would be to simply break up this chapter into two separate parts since it's so long, which would also give me some extra time to complete it as well as give you all something to read. Hope you enjoy. XO.


"Usagi-san! Wha're you doing?" Misaki struggled in Usagi's tight hug, attempting to wriggle his slim body out of the man's chokehold.

"If you'd listen to me, you'd know."

"I'm gonna be late to school if you keep this up!"

"Fine, but like I said, be home by two. I have a meeting at Marukawa with Isaka, and then I'll be back to get you."

"What do you mean, you'll be home to get me? Usagi-san?" Usagi-san freed Misaki from his arms, the two standing, facing one another in the maisonette's foyer. Usagi ruffled Misaki's hair lightly, and kissed his forehead before moving toward the front door. "Usagi-san?"

"Come on, I'll drive you to school. Just remember, two o'clock," Usagi-san smiled, exiting through the apartment door, leaving Misaki alone in the entryway.

'I wonder what Usagi-san was talking about. He's been acting strange lately. Last night, he mentioned something about the two of us getting some "alone time," which believe me, I didn't ask for, but I don't remember what it was that he said exactly, we were in the middle of... something.' Misaki blushed, images of Usagi-san on top of him, the two intertwined, moving in complete harmony, filled his mind. Each spot Usagi-san kissed on Misaki's body burned, inflamed like a match to paper.


"Have a good day," Usagi-san smirked, running his large hand down the length of Misaki's thigh.

Misaki slid off of the sleek, tanned leather seat, standing awkwardly outside of the car's passenger side. Although Misaki had been receiving rides to school every morning from Usagi-san, the illustrious author's posh, red sports car never failed to attract a high level of unwanted attention. Misaki rapped delicately on the tinted window; Usagi answered his call, unrolling it precisely then, "You too. And Usagi-san?"


"Two o'clock, right?"

Usagi nodded in affirmation before speeding away, sending a sonic boom past Misaki and the countless bystanders near the university's front gates. Several students whispered amongst themselves, pointing at Misaki, singling him out from the rest of the common rabble. 'Oh geez, it seems like every time I'm with him, all eyes are on us.'


Whizzing past Misaki's ear, a chalkboard eraser connected with the turned head of a student sitting behind Misaki, who was far too busy reviewing the details of the party he'd clocked in at over the weekend, to notice Professor Kamijou's enraged state. "DOES NO ONE IN THIS CLASS TRULY CARE ABOUT WHAT I'M TRYING TO TEACH HERE?" Inhaling deeply, Kamijou switched gears, deciding that the momentary relief of harming his students physically was far too ephemeral of a punishment, "Alrighty then, if no one wants to participate in this lecture, or show any interest in our general line of discussion, then I want to see a seven-page analysis of..."

Kamijou's voice faded into the distance as Misaki turned toward Sumi-san, "Geez, Usagi-san said it would be a good idea to take this course in Classic Japanese Lit. because it would be an easy A, and I'd get to learn from Professor Miyagi, but instead, we're stuck with 'The Demon Kamijou' once again."

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