Chapter 14

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Picture of Annabel (Luke's mate) on slide above :)


To my disappointment, we didn't walk through the village to get to Luke's house. We drove with two guards in the car. I don't know how Mason was use to this. It made me feel like a little child that needs to be constantly watched so they don't break anything. It was unnerving but I did not let it break my overjoyed spirit.

I was out of the castle.

Weeks of only seeing outside from your balcony and cooped up in large place, everything looked brighter, smelt new, felt refreshing to touch. Like it was the first I've been somewhere in years. It sure felt like it. Luke would look at me trying to hide his laughter, I was acting like an awestruck child.

It turned out that Luke did not live far from the kingdom but he had to drive, or I stayed inside. Rules from 'The Alpha King'. I was far too excited to be leaving the castle that I had no complaints though I would have enjoyed walking. We were now driving down a narrow road, houses on both sides with gardens and beautiful flowers. I stared in awe at each one we passed, so modern but yet so small. Each glimpse a villager caught of the car they bowed their heads in respect.

Finally the car came to a gentle stop and the guards were already at the door opening it and looking around hastily. I stepped out the car mumbling a 'Thank You' before quickening my footsteps to catch up to Luke who was already a few steps from his door. The little house was at the end of the road, surrounded by trees,  painted in white that contrasted with the multicolored flowers in the garden.

Luke suddenly opened the door with the most charming smile on his face, it was so cute. I was long forgotten. Two guards stationed themselves at the door as I stepped in.

"Anna! Baby!" Luke called out.

The home was small but big enough for the couple. On the right was a decent sized kitchen facing an open living room, sort of reminding me of a small entertainment room. Light shone brightly through the open glass lining the walls and she ran through the open glass door, straight into my best friends awaiting arms.

His mate.

They stood there hugging, lost in each others embrace while I just stared, little jealousy eating away at my heart. Internally Korii scoffed, for that moment I was grateful she was back to her usual self and I wasn't alone for this. It seemed like forever before she opened her eyes and her dull green ones found mine. It seemed Luke could feel her unease since he retreated and held her face in his hands asking 'What's wrong'.

He followed her line of sight to me where I awkwardly stood in that awkward moment with an awkward smile no thanks to the awkward tension. Her eyes then trailed behind her and it was as if realisation just face palmed her, she bowed respectfully mumbling 'Luna'.

I sighed frustratingly. I had still not gotten use to the sonstant bowing and calling Luna, there was an emotion I would always feel when I was called that but I still have not gotten use to it. It was unnerving the least. I walked up to her, slightly touching her shoulder. Her head shot up and she straightened up, eyes swimming with curiosity.

I slowly lifted my hand towards her in a greeting, "I'm Christina, it is finally nice to meet you. Description from Luke does you no justice."

Which was right. She looked way prettier than how Luke described her. Her red hair was caught in a loose bun above her head, full lips, button nose, high cheekbones, the dress she had on faintly adorned her curves and she was on the same height as me. A faint pink brushed her cheeks as she took my hand in hers, "I'm Annabel, it's wonderful to meet you Luna. I've heard stories about you too."

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