Dear Dairy 5

18 1 0

It's been a year but I've been so busy so here's a catch up.

_Alyssa has been on and off with my cousin Justin for the past few months....She lost her virginity to him.

_Alyssa and I got into a fight and stopped being friends for a month....We're good now

_We're 9th graders now and we go to different school's....I go to Central and she goes to Southern.

_We're still as close as ever....We spend every second that we can together.

_Got arrested and put on probation for a year.

I met a new guy named Dyllon....Justin and Alyssa broke up...She is with a guy named Austin...who is also her friend Cheys boyfriend and doesn't know that Alyssa is sleeping with him.

_I got into doing drugs and drinking and having sex.

_I got engaged to Dyllon...other stuff happened.

_I moved to Texas and Alyssa got into trouble.

_Alyssa hates me... I'm not with Dyllon anymore and everybody.turned there backs on me.....

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