-Sugawara- -Loving me soflty-

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KoushiSugawara always loved his team. No matter if they won or lost. Ifthey trained or played, he was there, fighting until the bitter end.He won't leave his friends.

Daichiis the strong leader, he will follow him everywhere and trust himwith his live.

Asahiwon't disappoint him, and will always try to get better. So hebecame the Ace and Daichi the Captain. It was only natural. Thesmaller Boy wasn't jealous because he was their Setter. He was animportant part of the team. Like a heart. Daichi the brain and Asahithe Body.

Butthe last time, new members changed the game. Kageyama replaced himand he really wants to be supportive and positive mate, but it'sclear to him, that he won't be on the field with his best friends.

Andthe fact, that there will be a mixed line up in the future scareshim. Another place less in the team. But all he wants to do isplaying. Setting to his friends. And make them win! To even play moregames!

Yeaheverybody is excited to get more playtime and matches against strongteams but, Suga won't. That's why he left without Daichi and Asahi.He said, he forgot something and goes home late tonight. But he stillneeds milk and Ramen for tonight and his normal story is alreadyclosed. But he knows, there's another store and he just have to walk5 minutes more.

Sugais deeply in his thoughts as he recognizes a familiar sound.



Helooks up and try to find the reason for the noise. After he walksaround the corner he enter the parking lot of the small market. It'salready dark and a light rain shower started 1 hour before, so theasphalt is wet and shimmers in the electric light of a lantern.

„Hey,better watch out. Stay away from her, she's dangerous for a nice Boylike you!", a unpleasant voice from behind reaches his ears.

„Exceptyou've got enough money haha"

Twomen talk to Suga. They seem to be a bit drunk and their breath smellsterrible. The Boy keeps distance to them but he look in the directionthey point to.

Hisbreath forms small clouds before his face but right now, he can'tbreath.

Sugais familiar with women. He likes watching and talking to them. TheBoy doesn't feel shy or blocked and some girls like him. But henever met a girl that fits into his live. A girl he wants to touch orfeel...or that ignite the flame in his mind...or his body. And henever thought about it or missed it.

Soit's hard for him to describe what happends inside his head rightnow. At first he only sees a shadow. The light isn't good so heneeds to look closer. Then he's able to recognize a silouette.

Hewatches a lot of Animes if he's at home so he know this kind ofscene. The hero sees his destiny. He doesn't know it yet, but hewill love, fight and die for her.

Agirl, close to a women. In a orange Tanktop and blue sweatpants. Sothat's not the reason why she catches his attention. He hair looksdark red, but if it's dry, it's a flaming mane, he's sure. She'stall for a girl and athletic. With a focused gaze she spikes theVolleyball again and again against the wall.

Sugais 10 meters away, but he knows she look sad. Between the raindropson her face there could be tears too.

Hehears some music out of a car, as it rush bye and suddenly Koushi runinto the store. Inside the building he tries to calm down and slowhis breath. He's like shocked. The song sounds in his head:(Aurora:Runaway)

Iwas listenin' to the ocean
I saw a face in the sand
But when Ipicked it up
Then it vanished away from my hands, down

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