Ch3 - The Dinner

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#Ok. Hi everyone I am very thankful for all the reads and I really hope you guys are enjoying this! It might not be as big of a "soul mates" story as the rest but... Hey it fit (I think) my story. Anyways a shoutout to Mizzangelb for being the first one to vote for both of my chapters! THANK YOU SO MUCH 😭❤️#

Keigo's POV:

My boyfriend and I walked into Hizashi and Shouta's very welcoming home, I am very glad that they invited me to say the least. 

Mic seemed pretty surprised that I was baby bird's soulmate, and I'm glad I was his soulmate #Izuku, not mic#. I heard some banging in the kitchen and realised that Shouta was... cooking? He was the last person I thought would cook 😅.

'Hi Aizawa-sensei!' Izuku chirped, 

'Hello problem child and... Tamaki?' Aizawa said, realising that I was Izuku's soulmate.

'Hi Aizawa-Kun' I said nervously. Obviously he heard it because the next thing I heard was that he was ok with me being baby bird's partner 💕

Izu-cha.. I mean Izuku's POV:

A few moments later we we sitting down at the table being served a great meal prepared by Sensei, #Yes this is a Dadzawa story, I honestly think Sho-Chan would be a great parent 😅#  we sat quietly eating for a while until, Mic said

'So, how did you know that we were fighting the LOV? I didn't think you'd be this close to home or UA.'

"Maybe I stayed close to UA and home because I missed all of you guys"

'Well one, I missed all of you guys so that's why I stayed close. Two there were explosions! How was I supposed to miss that?'

'Fair point Midoryia'

*Time skip brought to you by a beautiful white and black cat staying near Izuku, and Izuku wanting to pet it*

Aizawa's POV:

Eventually we were all siting in the living room as the cats came and sat with us. Kiara #the cat Izuku is holding# was curled up with Izuku, in Hawks' huge, protective, fierce red wing. It obviously made Izuku feel comfortable as he was in a peaceful sleep. 

The no.3 hero looked at me and then at the floor as if he was uncomfortable.

'Is something on your mine Hawks?' 

There came a soft, nervous reply 'N-no Sir' 

'It's ok Hawks, I trust you to look after and protect him-'

'As I see him as a son.'

Hawks gently shifted himself to hold the sleeping greenette, and keep himself comfortable. It was 10:27 at night #the time I am writing this too#. Hizashi had already gone to bed. Understandable considering he had an early Saturday morning patrol. 

Some time later the Red winged hero carried the sleeping boy and said goodnight to his colleague and friend. 

'Look after and protect him Hawks'

'Yes sir' and with that the winged hero flew the greenette home

Hi guys ISN-chan here! Thank you for the reads and votes! I never thought people would see it this quickly! You all have made my evening 😘.

With that said,

Remember to Smile and stay PLUS ULTRA!

ISN- chan out!

I love you my little Phoenixes!

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