Chapter 17

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The twin princes looked wronged and guilty at the same time. They didn't want their schoolmates to go to the extent of damaging Mason's leg permanently but it had already happened.

They just wanted to make him feel bad. They just wanted him to realize that he was inferior to them but never expected for things to go this far. An unerasable harm had already been done. 

The fact that the kids at school had done injustice to Mason on their own accord was undeniable and the princes couldn't be blamed for that. Thus, the princes received their punishment only on the basis of playing rude pranks on Mason whilst causing minor injuries.

But the kids who broke Mason's leg faced the wrath of the duke, causing them to be kicked out from the Rose Facilerium School of Nobles.

The kids were also sent to study in a strict boarding school used by children who come under juvenile delinquency. Their families also became a target of the duke making them face incredulous financial struggle.

The principal was removed from his position and was punished accordingly. But the situation at hand was more complex than one could imagine. After all the truth came out, it was hard for both families to accuse the other since there were people from both families who hurt Mason.

"I am not doing anything, your Majesty. Everything is fine.", said the duke.

"Then why is the child looking at you instead of eating."

"That is because the child has faced a few casualties due to their highnesses. I was too harsh on him due to a few misunderstandings and now he's afraid of me, his own father. I was just being thoughtful of their royal highnesses."

"I never told you to be thoughtful of my children while forgetting about your own child, Duke Maximus. You need to keep your own children in check first. You have three grown sons but none of them could protect their one and only younger brother."

Marcus's heart pained so bad after hearing this sentence. I really don't deserve the title of an older brother.

Whereas Mikhail felt ashamed of his incapability to protect his own family being a lieutenant general.

"Your Majesty, please enough. The children are here.", the queen interrupted.

Meanwhile Mason seemed to have struggled to the corner of the bed and was trying to stand up still.

He had to do what he had to do.

He HAD to apologize and in the right manner. Struggling to stand and bow, the injured leg and weak body gave in immediately and he fell on his knees. The sudden impact seemed to have moved his joints. The broken leg that should've been left unmoved was excruciatingly disarranged once again.

Not minding the pain that showed up through the pain-killers and his body that was shaking for various reasons, he keenly apologized while kneeling on the floor. "Atleast kneeling wouldn't be considered disrespectful", he thought.

"Please forgive me your highness Henry and your highness Helix. I have caused you unnecessary trouble." Mason's voice was dry and scratchy but what was truly terrifying was that there was no life in his voice or eyes.

Like a doll controlled by his father's words, he spoke his words of apology.

"I apologize to her highness Liana for my disgraceful acts."

"Mason, it's not your fault. You don't have to apologize for anything. Please, it's not your fault.", said Prince Liam with a broken heart.

Mason was lifted up by Myles who rushed to him first, but the older brother who was more or less a rude stranger to Mason, made him uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to- I won't cause trouble. I'll be nice so please... forgive me...your highnesses", the plain and neat sentences were broken down to phrases. He couldn't talk normally when with Myles. The same pressure that his father exudes was felt with Myles.

Though his face was expressionless, the difference in speech was visible when he was in his oldest brother's care. Was apologizing always so hard? Why does everything hurt so much today. Am I..... afraid of first brother? Is this.... fear?

An unusual tightness in his chest and shortness of breath followed along with his anxiety. But why was he even afraid in the first place? He barely saw him and they were more or less just strangers who occasionally ate on the same table. 

The warm body of a child in fever was in Myles's arms. The child, slightly trembling was too heart-breaking to look at.

Marcus couldn't stand Myles carrying Mason and hurried to grab him, making Myles give Marcus a death glare. He had already noticed his younger brother's irregular breathing, making him take action immediately.

Nevertheless, it was no lie that peace was restored in Mason's heart when he saw Marcus. His breathing calmed down and the tightness in his chest was loosened a little. 

Taking Mason from Myles, Marcus began to walk out of the room but was immediately stopped by the guards stationed outside. He gritted his teeth in anger and the state of chaos that was present was just becoming worse.

Marcus who was worried about Mason, brought him back to the bed without saying a word and started to feed him properly. He quietly whispered to Mason and told him not to ask anything right now and also that he would get them both out of there soon enough. 

Whereas, Myles just looked. His pride was hurt when Mason hastily went to Marcus's side.

He kept looking and observing for a long while.

"Are you going to stay here or are you going to come back home Mason?", said Myles bluntly.

"Answer! You can continue hurting our family and our reputation or come back home." Anger seeping through like poison from his oldest brother's mouth was causing another heavy blow to Mason's heart.

The duke who heard these words from Myles's mouth widened his eyes but didn't rufute his words. Mason heart felt painful once again. Will father not talk for me? Is he not going to take my side and scold Myles? I've been hurt so much, he will definitely take my side. Right?.......

"This is your first son Duke Maximus. Heartless..... I don't think your family can take care of a child. The childcare authorities won't stay quiet about this"


The head of the Child Protection Services had been repeatedly pestering the king about the Rodolite family and their youngest child.

They wanted to hold an investigation about them and many noble families had shown their support regarding this.

Many noble families wanted to break the Rodolite family and find a loophole in it. So when such an incident happened, selfish ambitious nobles and truly concerned nobles together raised their voices against the duke.


A/N - Sorry for the dry and super late chapter. Just me drowning in tests, exams and assignments. :(

Still love you guys tho <3

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