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Kar leaned on the concrete railing of their apartment's balcony, rubbing her neck. with shaky hands she lit a cigarette, inhaling deeply. Soul is going to kill me, well, if his mother doesn't first. she choked on the hot smoke before flicking it over the railing. now she remembered why she had quit years ago. the sliding glass door opening behind her, making her jump.
      "oh Soul, you scared the shit out of me." he walked over to her and leaned on the railing too.
      "how's my mom?"
      "what?" he turned to her, pushing her hair away from her neck.
      "Kid told me what happened. what I can't figure out is why you haven't told me." he leaned into her, kissing the finger shaped bruises on her flesh.
      "I didn't want you to be angry with me." she flushed under his touch.
      "do I feel angry?"
      "no." her voice lowered with guilt. "you're hurt though."
      "Kar, you should have said something. I would have gone with you. not cool babes."
      "I know. I just wanted to make things less complicated, but I made it worse. she wouldn't give us her blessing."
      "why are you surprised? I know how badly you want her to like you, but that's not gunna happen. and either way I'm gunna marry you. I'd give up on her if I was you. I have." sadness washed over her, Soul really was hurting. "you wanna go out for dinner tonight? like, a nice place, not the burger joint."
      "yea, I'd love to."

the laughing sun began to set, illuminating an orange glow through the restaurant. Kar twirled her pasta noodles around her fork aimlessly. Soul played with his food across the way from her, feeding off of her emotions.
      "so I was thinking red would be a cool theme color for the wedding." he finally broke the awkward silence.
      "and black?" a small smile crept across her lips.
      "and checkered table cloths?"
      "and vinyl records for place mats?" he smiled at the suggestion.
     "and lilies. i know how much you love lilies." he reached across the table taking her hand. "don't worry so much about my mother okay?"
      "I'm trying." her sudden rush of excitement was crushed under the mention of his mother. "we should do something fun. all of us, together."
      "yea, like what?" she thought for a moment before a spark flashed through her big brown eyes.
      "paintball." Soul flashed his shark teeth in approval.

Tsubacki sucked up against the concrete wall, peering carefully around the corner. once the coast was clear she signaled for Kar to follow her. Kar ducked down low, creeping along the same wall being sure to stay close behind Tsubacki.
      "there's a split in the coarse coming up ahead, you take the left, and I'll take the right." she whispered. "meet me at that tower, and keep your head down, okay?" she winked, smiling warmly before taking off.
      "I'll see you on the other side." Kar grinned back, adjusting her goggles. she tip toed to the end of the wall, looking left and right. a gleam caught her eye. she crouched, pulling her rifle close to her chest. in the distance Liz crept lazily behind a blown up obstacle, Kid's voice hounding her to move quicker.
      "you know bruises are not attractive right?" she whined. Kid pushed his fingers to her lips, hushing her.
      "shhh, I think I heard someone." he dropped down low, using his weapons sight to get a better look around. "there! its Tsubacki! move quickly and quietly!" he shoved Liz, forcing her in front of him. Kar stepped back so they wouldn't see her before spinning around the wall behind them. she crouched again, aiming for Liz's butt. poof poof.
       "ow!!" Liz cried out, rubbing her new sore spot. Kar giggled as she took off, making sure they couldn't see her. Kid inspected the paint on Liz's jeans closely.
      "teal hmmm? Kar is close."   
      "Kid I don't want to play anymore. this is stupid."
      "you're just mad because you've been shot. don't you want a little revenge?"  his eyebrow raised, a devious grin splitting across his lips.
Soul panned the dimly lit arena, finger ready on the trigger.
      "Star, have you seen any of the girls yet?"
      "no, and it's making me a little nervous."
      "you're afraid of the girls?" Soul chuckled.
      "no!" Black*Star jumped to his feet in defense.
      "would you shut up! you're gunna give away our position!" he hissed, but it was too late. Patti fired three rounds from her hiding spot, centering them into Black*Star's chest.
      "so not cool." Soul took off, staying low to the ground. "sorry bro, you're on your own. I told you not to be so loud!" he shouted behind him. Black*Star stood, staring down at his now yellow splattered chest.
      "how dare you Patti!!? I will surpass God!" he fired at random as Patti danced, jumping from side to side giggling. they ran in circles shooting each other, blue and yellow paint covering the area around them. Soul looked back at the chaos for a moment, chuckling to himself as he kept moving. he looked forward again only to be greeted by the end of Tsubacki's air rifle. he raised his hands slowly in defeat.
      "Kid is just on the other side of that tower. he's after Kar. do you want to team up and take him down?"
      "Tsu if I wasn't already in love, I'd kiss you right now." a small blush consumed her cheeks. " you take the top and I'll take the bottom, cool?" she lowered her weapon before scanning the area.
      "see you on the other side." she smiled before dashing away. Soul crept around a circular obstacle to get a better vantage point on Kid. Liz was walking ahead of him, completely uninterested. too easy, he thought to himself. he took aim, lining Kid up in his sight.
Kar spotted Soul laying on the ground, his eye squeezed up the rifle's sight. hugging the nearest wall she snuck up him holding her breath. she stood above him, lining up her shot.
      "you know you can't sneak up on me right? I could feel you coming from a mile away." she squeezed the trigger without saying a word. a puff of air flew by Soul's ear at lightening speed. he watched Kid throw back his shoulder, teal paint dousing his uniform. Kar slunk down next to Soul.
      "sorry babes I gotta go. I've been making enemies." she winked before stealing a quick kiss. he watched in awe as she slipped into the shadows. I can't wait to marry that girl he thought. a paintball whizzing by his head tore him from his thoughts. Kid was firing rapidly at him. Soul rolled to one side dodging the rouge projectiles. once he was clear he stood and took off. Kid was quicker though, white paint nailing him in the back of the thigh.
      "okay Liz, nows our chance. we'll regroup with Patti and hunt her down." Liz nodded, determination present on her flawless features.

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