How it starts..

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"Why do we have to take social Studies?" Arthit moaned, banging his bottle of green tea on the table as he stared at his friends.

"Because it's a new requirement and if we don't then they won't let us pass third year!" Knot said patiently for the fifth time.

Arthit slumped in his chair and dropped his forehead to rest on the coolness of the table top. It was a hot day, and with the news about the new class, he was feeling particularly unhappy.

"It's only a short course Ai'Arthit," Tootah said brightly, reaching out to ruffle Arthit's hair, "And I heard it's all about relationships and love and stuff... so it's a great opportunity to practise your dating skills!"

Arthit groaned even more, lifting and banging his head against the table until a soft hand made its way between his head and the plastic.

"Hey Phi! Don't knock all of your brain cells out! Whatever is causing you problems, I can help you with it!" Kongpob laughed as he let his fingertips ruffle Arthit's fringe before they were pushed aside angrily.

"What are you doing, 0062?" Arthit yelled, pushing himself out of his chair and moving to nudge himself in between Bright and Tutah.

"Oi, Arthit! Move your fat ass back, this is my space..." Bright grumbled, before he slid over to let him settle on the bench. "I don't see what your problem is, it's only six weeks of classes, there can't be that much homework and it'll help improve our GPA."

"You mean resurrect yours!" Prem growled, staring between Arthit and Kongpob who was still standing patiently beside their table, M and Oak beside him. "And what do you want Nong?"

"P'Prem," Kongpob waied politely, eyes flickering over his senior before returning to Arthit, who was glancing at him warily. "Do you happen to be talking about the new social studies requirement?" He enquired, eyes lighting up.

"Yes, Nong' Kongpob," Knot confirmed. "All third years have to take it this year since it's a new course. But I heard first and second years can choose when they want to take it."

"That's true," Kongpob confirmed, "But we've decided to get it out of the way this year, haven't we?" He nudged the two guys beside him, making them both yelp.

Oak grumbled, "Someone decided for us actually," but then shut up as another elbow was poked into his skinny ribs.

"Yes, we'll be taking the class with you guys. We thought it might be beneficial for us since you seniors are men of the world and everything. You might be able to teach us something!"

Arthit coughed violently at Kongpob's words, choking on the green tea he had been about to swallow. Beside him Tutah gave him a generous pat on the back and Arthit coughed again.

"So you'll be in our class?" Bright asked, leaning forward, eyes alight with mischief, "And will any of your 'friends' be joining you?" He leered, thinking of May and Maprang and Praepaillin.

"Umm," M began, when Kongpob, whose eyes were settled on P'Arthit, didn't reply, "I think so."

"Well, then we look forward to seeing you in class! And teaching you all about the world! Don't we Arthit?" Bright nudged his friend again whose face had turned the colour of a tomato and then waved his hand to indicate that the juniors should leave.

They all waied, but as they turned to go Kongpob smiled, "Study hard, P'Arthit, I'm looking forward to seeing you in action... in the classroom!"

Arthit spluttered again and Tutah began to laugh, "Your face!! Nong Kongpob really messes with your head doesn't he!"

"Especially since the night of P'Tum's wedding. You never did tell us what the two of you talked about then!?" Bright agreed, inspecting Arthit, who if it were possible had turned an even deeper shade of red.

"Nothing!" He said sharply, eyes darting between his best friends, "Nothing happened. I just had to apologise for being rude to him. Knot knows!"

Immediately three pairs of eyes focussed on Knot and he threw up his hands, "Knot knows nothing! Other than, this princess here was being a dick to his junior and was right to say sorry. Now come on, we've got to go and register for this new course, otherwise we'll be stuck doing it with the second group in the final term when we have far too much work to do."

Together the friends heaved themselves up from the table and headed for the admin offices, ready to sign away their lives.

Only Arthit lingered for a second, hand running through the front of his hair where Kongpob's warm fingers had been. He wondered what embarrassment would come of him and Kongpob being in the same class. Surely it couldn't be worse than the hazing?

Turned out... he was wrong!

Kongpob, P'Arthit and the Rice Baby (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now