The Day ☀️

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It was a beautiful sunny day when Obama decided to take a walk on the beach. Sure, he had presidential stuff to be working on, but it can wait. He had a really good feeling about what the day was to bring, although he had no clue what it could be. There was a line for the hot dog stand, but since Obama is the MVP of life he got to cut to the front of the line even though a very young brown haired boy, maybe about age 10, was in the middle of ordering.

"I'll have a large beefy burrito, extra mayonnaise," said the hot man—I mean former president.

"Coming right up!" the hot dog spawner replied—now he only made hot dogs but this is Obama we're talking about, of course he'd do anything for him.

"Thank you sir," Obama smiled as he received his burrito. "Come again soon!" said the worker, more so in a begging manner than a robotic or polite one.

The burrito was about the size of a cat, minus the limbs, but Obama being the awesome man he is was able to gulp that boy up in one bite—through his left ear.

"Delicious!" Obama exclaimed after swallowing the burrito. He loves extra mayonnaise on his burritos. Only a god would understand that, though.

Obama being the cool boy he is puts on his shades to let everyone at the beach know he is king. He struts alongside the ocean when it happened: a foolish young boy ran into him from behind.

"I'm so sorry!" said the boy. Obama removed his shades so that he could see better and turned around to find Harry Styles apologizing to him. "It's okay! Don't worry about it," Obama said with a smile. Relieved, Harry grabbed a bottle of sunscreen from his pocket. "Drink?" he offered Obama. "No thanks, although I highly appreciate it," the man replied. "Of course," said Harry before drinking the entire bottle. The whole bottle. Who does that?

"Hey... all of my friends left early, would you mind if I hung out with you for the rest of the day?" asked a lonely Harry Styles. Obama considered it for a moment. Now, of course he's aware he's a god on earth but in the end, the man whose music he'd been listening to nonstop for the past 10 years had bumped into him and asked to hang out. How could he say no? "Sure," Obama answered. Harry is the only exception, had this been anyone else he would not have hesitated to decline. "Awesome!" Harry exclaimed, excited that his celebrity crush agreed to hanging out with him.

Little did either of them know that after this moment their lives would never be the same again. The two of them boarded a pink golf cart and made their way toward the sunset, as a new adventure awaited the clueless soon-to-be-lovers.

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