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It was 10 past 12 already at night, hyunjin was just sitting in bed doodling in his sketchbook. His attention went towards jisung when he heard him laugh looking on his phone, "what are you watching babe?" He asked him "oh, nothing, just texting one of my friends at uni"

Jisung couldnt stop smiling, he didn't even look away for a moment from his phone, to answer hyunjun "i see" for a moment hyunjin just brushed it off his mind, maybe he was just thinking too much like he always does.

An hour passed, turning around in bed, but hyunjin couldn't sleep, he just started at the ceiling, the room was dead silent and dark, just lit up by a nightstand and the sound of the clock ticking sounded so lound in all this silence. He opened his Instagram which he wouldn't often because it wasn't really that interesting to him.

The first thing he opened han's story for oBviOus reasons. But it just pissed him more, it was just a chain of stories where he mentioned henry in a story. "tsk" frustrated he uninstalled the app and turned off his phone after doing so to get some sleep, not at all happy with what he saw. He turned around again after some 10 minutes.

'ding' he heard a notif sound, but it was from jisung's phone. He was fast asleep beside him, soft snores coming out of his mouth along with some drool, he pushed back the hair from his face snd smiled at the sleeping boy.

Another ding, it annoyed hyunjin so much, since he was sensitive to some sounds. He knew he should respect jisung's privacy eventhough he was his boyfriend but he couldn't hold back, his overthiking wasnt helping either. He reached for the phone to see what the notifs were about, and they happened to be kakao dms

'henry_kim : heyyyy~'
'henry_kim : are you sleeping'
'henry_kim : can we hang out tomorrow after class? I also needed notes of the previous chapter'
'henry_kim : see you at school then! Good night 💕'

And the screen turned off due to timeout. After a moment of just staring blankly at the black screen which showed the reflection of his own self, he decided to put it back on its place.

Few hours passed, just him laying and staring at the ceiling when he finally drifted to sleep at 2 am, his and jisung's backs facing each other, usually they'd be cuddling each other but this time he just cuddles a plush, holding it close to his chest, it was a habit of his or he couldn't sleep comfortably.

The night passed, and the sun rays were piercing through the curtains. Han woke up from his sleep, he stretched his arms and legs before sitting up and rubbed his eyes which later layed to the man beside him fast asleep in his dreams, he smiled at him weakly, not knowing why he felt that way.

His attention then went to his ohone on the nightstand, he reached for it picking it up to check any texts he might have received, he scanned through his dms.

After about 20 minutes the alarm went off which made hyunjin jolt up in the bed as if his soul came back to his body, which made him roll off the bed "ouch" he rubbed his butt, and helped himself up back on his feet again taking support of the bed. He somehow dragged his body to the bathroom to wash his face. He yawned still half asleep and turned on the tap to splash some water on his face to remove the sleepiness.

After lazily brushing his teeth he walled out of the into his bedroom and got dressed. "Hynnie! Breakfast is ready, come downstairs" he heard jisung call, he then glanced at the clock, still got 30 minutes which is more than enough i guess. He finally got dressed and went downstairs taking his seat beside jisung on the dining table. They chatted throughout the breakfast.

"I'll drop you at your university today because i too have to go rn, I've got something come up" hyunjin announced "oh alright!" Jisung smiled at him in response before getting back to eating his food.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2021 ⏰

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