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My phone rang in the middle of the night and sounded like a ghetto blaster in the silence. The light from my screen lids up the whole room. It didn't only wake me up but my evil roommate Hanna growled at me; out of anger. 'Jade, turn of your damn phone; I was sleeping!'. My roommate snarled as she threw the blanket over her head. Trying to fall back asleep. 'Sorry'. I whispered, apologetic but she didn't reply back to me. I wasn't ready to defend her problematic personality but I could kind of see why she would get annoyed with me. It was the middle of the night; who in their right mind was calling me?
I climbed out of bed and walked into the dark hallway. The only light came from the green emergency exit lights above the stairwell doors. I didn't look at the phone before picking up. 'Hello?'. I whispered softly; I didn't want to wake more students up. The wrath of Hanna would be enough for one night.
A unfamiliar voice said. 'Hello?'. Why did he sound unsure; I wasn't the one calling him at this hour? I was getting annoyed; I needed my sleep. Was he prank calling me? 'Who is this, can I help you with something? It's the middle of the night!'. I looked at my phone to see the exact time but noticed how it was Fede who called me, this late. But this wasn't Fede. This voice sounded really deep and low; kind of sexy to be honest. 'Yes, sorry to call you miss. I'm a friend of Fede; he has gotten really drunk and he really doesn't want to leave'. I was confused; i spoke to him this morning about being sober. When I didn't answer, he said; 'I thought I should probably call someone and your number was the only one in his favourite list'. I looked at the clock on my screen; it was four o'clock at night. I was a good friend but was I really this good of a friend? 'Jade, are you still there? He is really annoyed; angry because he really doesn't want to leave, when I told him we should go'. I sighted and shook my head in disbelief; how did I pull myself back into this mess? 'You're his friend, right? Can't you just take him home?'. I tried to whisperer but my voice kept coming out too loud. 'He isn't the best listener when he's sober; let alone drunk'. I nodded and could see where he was coming from. He could be a pain in the ass. 'Yeah, I get what you're saying'. I sighted. 'Just put him on the phone; I'll talk to him for a second'. I heard Fede talk in the background; he sounded angry and indeed intoxicated. 'No, fuck off I don't want to talk'. He complained; his voice sounded close to the phone now. Like they were bickering about him taking the phone. I could hear shuffling sounds as Fede started to yell; 'Just get the fucking phone away from me, idiot'. He snarled furious about the thought of speaking to someone. 'I'll put you on speakerphone; maybe then he wants to talk'. The low voice told me. But what was I going to say?
I just said his name as kindly as I could, with a warm ring to it. 'Feddy?'. The shuffling and cursing on the background stopped; he was listening. 'Feddy, are you alright?'. I asked him; when he finally answered he sounded confused. 'Jady, why are you calling me? Are you okay?'. I laughed softly but I knew I shouldn't laugh about him being drunk. He just sounded so sweet when he asked me if I was alright. 'Your friend is calling me; your drunk and being very difficult. Can you listen to him and go home?'. He gave in to me; 'Fine, Jade, I love you so much'. He slurred his loving confession to me. I nodded and bit my lip. 'I love you too, Feddy. Just listen to your friend now, okay? Can you give the phone back to him?'. His friend took the phone back and Fede started to complain in the background; he wanted to talk with me some more. 'I should just call you every time he gets drunk'. He joked. That hit a wrong nerve with me. 'Or you shouldn't encourage him getting this drunk. Listen; can you go home with him? Before he chokes on his own vomit'. I could hear Fede yell; that meant I was still on speakerphone. 'No, I don't want him coming with me; he is so annoying'. Why was Fede being so impossible when he was drunk? 'I'm sorry Jade. He still has enough fight in him to hurt me and he'll definitely try'. What a pussy; 'Am I still on speakerphone, Gabriell?'. I asked; to make sure I wasn't talking to a wall. 'Yes, he can hear you; he is listening'. 'Feddy, do you want me to pick you up?'. I waited for an answer. 'He's nodding; shall I send you the address?'. I was such a dumbass.

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