Week Away

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The press went crazy after the pictures of Will and I out with his parents surfaced. Speculation of engagement, pregnancy and serious illness occured within days of the pictures arrising, and of which I have no idea how these conclusions where made, but to be honest, if I wasn't in the situation myself, it would all sound pretty convincing.

Which it did, to Mrs Poulter. For days I was hounded by her the same questions that arose in the media day after day. That woman could talk, but she was also alot of fun when she wasn't exhausting.

But with the rise of interest in our relationship came the questions about me. Whatever was a matter of public record was fair game to the press.

My face splashed over internet blogs and entertainment sections accompanied by the story of my parents dying in a car acciden when I was young, that I had to live with my uncle until he got Cancer, and my fight to become emancipated so that I wouldn't be passed around foster homes until I turned 18.

Thankfully, Will and his parents hadn't brought any of this up, but with his parents leaving today, I fear it could happen. However, Will made an obvious attempt to shield me from the press, insisting on going to the supermarket on his own, eating in every night.

Will is driving his parents to the airport with me in the passenger seat and his parents in the back. Nobody has said a word which is so uncharacteristic of Mrs Poulter that I keep turning around to check on her to make sure she's alive.

Then come the tearful fairwells. Neil gives me a quick hug before helping Will get the bags out of the back of the car. Caroline's eyes glisten and her face is completely contorted into one huge frown and she wraps her arms around me so tight I think she cuts off circulation everywhere.

"Oh Darling, I'm so happy to have met you," she says.

"Me too, Mrs Poulter."

"Shh, shh" she says, pulling back and putting her hands on either side of my face. "I know my William can take care of you, he cares for you very much. But you have to take care of him too, okay? He's still a baby, he doesn't know what he's doing as much as he would like us to think but I know you two can work out life and its challenges together. Look after my baby boy and yourself, promise?"

Now I'm starting to get a little teary eyed. This poor woman doesn't even know that this is all a sham. She thinks she's begging someone who her son cares unconditionally for and who feels the same to take care of each other. Oh my God, what am I doing? How could I have been lying to this woman for a week, and still be lying to her face now.

I glance over at Will who catches my eye. His face immediately changes in alarm to see the state myself and his mother are in. I shake my head slightly to signal that he shouldn't come over before I look back down at Caroline. "I promise. Of course I will do that."

"Thank you darling," she says squeezing my shoulders before walking to Neil's side and grabbing her suitcase and they walk into the airport hand in hand.

I lean against the side of the car and put my face in my hands. Soft hands grab my wrists and pull my arms against his chest.

"Hey," he whispers.

"Your parents are so beautiful, Will, and we just spent the entire week lying to them." I say, my breath catching at the end with the urge not to cry.

Will puts his hand on my cheek and strokes it softly. "You have no idea how happy this week made them, and me." His hand slides back into my hair to cup the back of my head as I tilt my head up to look him in the eyes. "Please don't be upset. Everything is going to work out. Believe me... trust me."

"How do you know?"

"Because," he says as a smile creeps up his face. "I have something planned."

How do you know? (A Will Poulter fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now