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𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐞𝐮𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐥! 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫

Do they want to
settle down? How are they
at cooking and cleaning?

ㅤ→ KAEYA, AS MUCH as he loves working within the Knights of Favonius as their Cavalry Captain, would like to eventually work either a steadier position or settle down completely.

ㅤ→ The thought of you two one day owning a nice little home is one of the many thoughts of you that brings him comfort. He likes the idea of being able to wake up next to you, and fall asleep in your embrace without having to worry about the burdens of work.

ㅤ→ Marriage is most likely next on his list. He feels as if he'd only get married for the sake of appeasing you, and because it's a societal norm. Otherwise, he doesn't feel the need to put a ring on it right away. He believes that you can be unmarried and still love the same. Though when it comes to children he's not all to sure. He's not good with kids, and doesn't exactly think he'd make a good father.

ㅤ→ Wether he'll put all this into action anytime soon, most likely not. As enticing as the idea is, he still has his duties as Captain, and you still have your duties with the Guild. He'd prefer to find a less hectic time in your lives to officially call it in.

ㅤ→ When it comes to cooking and cleaning. . . I imagine he's one of those people who are phenomenal cooks, but can only make three things.

ㅤ→ He both adores your cooking and your reactions to his own, wether it's bad or delighted. He'll most likely turn any chores you both have into competitions or continuously distract you while you do yours.

ㅤ→ Perhaps a make out session would ensue within freshly dried sheets.


If they had to break
up with their lover, how
would they do it?

ㅤ→ THOUGH THE THOUGHT of ending your relationship has never crossed his mind, I feel as if he'd have no specific reason for breaking up with you.

ㅤ→ Perhaps it was one of those moments of insecurity he gets, feeling as if he didn't deserve you and in turn, cut all ends loose. You could've mistaken the couple of flings you had together as the beginning of a relationship. Or maybe he just got bored of you, the same face, the same conversations, the same arguments, the same old predicable you.

ㅤ→ Whatever causes him to break your heart, he'd most likely not even let you know that he'd broken up with you. He'd ghost you.

ㅤ→ At first you wouldn't feel as if anything was wrong, you'd go on with your commissions as normal. But when he doesn't show up to your usual meeting spot, you begin to question his whereabouts. It's been happening rather frequently as of late.

ㅤ→ But whenever you looked for him, he'd be nowhere to be seen. You wouldn't find him at home, in his office, nor at the stables. Not at Angel's Share, the Cathedral, the Cavalry Armory. Not even in the Manor. So you knew something was up when you spotted him in front of Good Hunter's talking with another knight. He didn't even acknowledge you as you approached.

ㅤ→ You'd have to clear your throat to get his attention. And even then he wouldn't turn to you until he dismissed his subordinate, turning to you with an impassive grin and an even more impassive eye.

ㅤ→ " You just keep coming back, huh? Like some kind of dog. . How fucking needy. . "


Fiancé ( e )
How do they feel about
commitment? How quick would
they want to get married?

ㅤ→ KAEAY HAS, OF course had other significant others before you. Wether they be one night stands, a couple of flings or actual relationships, he always believed he'd find someone, but then eventually get bored of them after a while. Having the commitment for relationships was an issue for him. He just wanted to have fun. Well, that was until he met you, of course.

ㅤ→ You practically have the man wrapped around your little finger, even though he acts as if he has control over his own shit. He doesn't. He's a complete and utter fool for you.

ㅤ→ The thought of you leaving him has crossed his mind every once in a while, it's one of the few things that cause him unsettling anxiety and insecurity. But he's never thought the same thing vice versa. Or rather, he's been so wrapped up in you that the thought doesn't even seem to exist.

ㅤ→ Once again, Kaeya doesn't exactly believe that all couples have to be married in order to be happy. He believes you can love eachother just as much even without vows, but if you wanted to get married, then there would be nothing stopping him.

ㅤ→ I can definitely imagine him losing his shit over proposing, but acting like his usual sarcastic and unbothered self. He probably practiced what he was going to say in the mirror and then scolded himself for looking like a cliche fool.

ㅤ→ He definitely brags about it too. He loves to use the word Fiancé / Fiancée while constantly talking about how amazing you are, near half-passed out in Angel's Share. Not a lick of shame in his voice as he continues on about how whipped he is for you.

ㅤ→ And it only gets worse from there when you two actually get married. Showing you off to his colleagues and subordinates, kissing the ring on your finger whenever he can and starring at you like a love sick puppy.

ㅤ→ " Have I introduced you to my husband / wife / spouse, yet? Their absolutely stunning, aren't they! Isn't that right, pumpkin? "

𝙎𝙏𝘼𝙍𝙎𝙏𝘼𝙄𝙉𝙀𝘿 / 𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘯 𝘪𝘮𝘱𝘢𝘤𝘵 𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘴Where stories live. Discover now