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Told you I like gentle giants so you soften up -SZA

It had been a while since we came back into the states. Colin has been really distant lately and I don't know why. One day I was trying to get him to watch a movie with me but he told me he was working on news stories and didn't have time no big deal. It seems like every time I want to do something he has somewhere to be. I tried not to show my emotions too much because I don't want to look like a bother.

I had been at the diner all day and was ready to leave a little early than I usually do which was fine with my parents. They knew I've been working my ass off and needed a break. I decided I was going to surprise Colin so I got all dressed up and I had even switch my hair with bangs. I drove to his house and knocked on the door. I got the surprise of a lifetime...

"Hey Col-" A tall woman came to the door with a seem to be a drink in her hand

"Um sorry is Colin around?" She looked at me like I was invading her space but she called out to him

"Colin sweetie some girl is here for you" She walked away and here he comes...

"Hey Sai what's going on?" He looked like he wanted to rush me off his porch

"Well I was coming to surprise you but it looks like your time is already being pre-occupied" I felt my heart dropping

"Listen Sai when you left for them few months I wanted to make it work but then my ex wife called me up and we decided to make it work. I'm so sorry I never meant to lead you on like this...we can still be friends?" He looked at me with hope

"Go fuck yourself Colin!" I threw down the food I had got him and ran back to my car. I was so irritated and confused as to why I let him get so close to me just for him to go back to his ex-wife!

I called up Franco to see if he was busy and I didn't want him to be right about Colin but he called it...shit

"This is Franco talk" He said sternly

"Um hi Franco it's Sai...listen you were right about Colin. I went to his house and he basically told me he was getting back with his ex-wife and he still wanted to be friends. I told him to go fuck himself and drove off" I said wiping tears

"I'm coming over just chill for me okay? I'll be there soon"

"Okay." I hung up and went to change I just don't know what is wrong with me and men...

I turned on HBO MAX to find a movie and suddenly there was a knock at the door. I opened it to see Franco standing there looking concerned as usual

"Hey welcome to my place. It's not much but it's home. You want some water or wine?" I offered

"Water will do but let's talk how you feeling?" He sat down on the couch

"Honestly I'm hurt because at least I thought our relationship meant something to him or that we were getting somewhere but some people can come in your life for only a season" I sighed

"That shit pisses me off...don't worry I got you from now on. You hear me?" I fiddled with my hands as he said that

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