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This ain't nothing that you used to yeah -Anthiny King

"So what could you possibly want to talk to me about?" I asked

"Why you keep resisting what's bound to happen?" He said

"Tf?! You mean my guy?! Yo I told you there's no way in hell I'm getting with you" I'm thinking like this dude straight trippin

Before I could say anything else my phone began to ring and I answered it without looking at the caller ID.

"Hello!" I said in a mean tone

"Whoa that's how we answer the phone now?" I realized it was Colin!

"Omgee I'm sorry Colin"

"Are you okay?" He sounded concern

"I'm fine trust...what happened to our date?" I was still a bit hurt behind that

"Listen I'm so sorry don't think I ditched you. Some things came up and I had to attend to it. I truly wanted to spend quality time with you. How about you come to my house we will have a movie night with pizza & drinks?" How could I resist

"Yes! Send me the deets and I'll be over around 7 or 8"

"Sounds like a plan to me"

We hung up the phone and I couldn't stop smiling. All guys aren't bad and all guys aren't assholes like Franco that's for damn sure

"Hello! Do you hear me Sai!" Franco snapped me out of my thoughts

"Huh? What were we talking about?" I looked at him

"I said why you think we can't be together & that Colin guy has nothing on me" He scoffed

"For one he is respectable not an asshole like somebody I know and you don't deserve my time of day...simple as that" I don't care what his opinion is of Colin it doesn't concern him

"Look are we done here? Yeah? Good" I walked away leaving him dumbfounded

"Hey Rei I'm leaving! I'll text you whenever I get back" Grabbing my keys and purse

"Where you going?" She looked at me

"Colin's" I smiled and walked out

I made my way to his house which let me tell you by the way wasn't so little. I parked and made sure I locked the doors I don't care how fancy a neighborhood may look I don't trust anybody

I rung the doorbell and approached the glass door was a figure. It finally opened to the face I've been anticipating.

"Hey welcome to home I hope the drive wasn't too bad" His warmed smile inviting me in

"Oh not at all I enjoyed the scenic route, your home is beautiful" I expressed

"This old thing? It's okay" He made it seem like this was a normal thing coming from the hood you'd be lucky to see something like this on tv

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