Chapter 5

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to Ambershine_Christian, Winterwatcher28, and 23mph19. Thank you all for reading and commenting on this book!

Snowdrift's POV

Like always, Seal won by a scavenger's hair.

"Sooo, will you tell me now?" Seal asked.

Why oh why couldn't she have flown faster? Now she'd have to spill her guts to her best friend.

"Promise you won't judge?" Snowdrift answered, her mind still drifting.

"Of course! Snow, you know I would never judge you about anything, right? I'll always have your back- well, unless, you know, you stab me in the back first... then, I would probably let you fall," Seal tried to joke.

"Very well then. So, basically, I can't stop thinking about- about a dragon..."

"Oh my goodness! My best friend is in love! This is so exciting! What circle are they in? Are they cute? Or are they tragically handsome? Eeeeek! This is awesome! I'm so happy for you!!" Seal rambled on and on.

But now came the hard part. While Snowdrift had always thought the rankings were unfair, Seal did not. As nice and relaxed as Seal can be, growing up in Icewing society, she was still as strict about Icewing rules as any other Icewing. She had been fine with Snowdrift's small rulebreaking, but this, this was on another level. Seeing a dragon from a much lower rank can affect her own rank a lot. Not including the fact that it was highly improper and discouraged to do so.

"Well... you see, he isn't in a very high rank..." she mumbled.

"Oh? What circle is he in then? 2nd? 3rd?" Seal broke off, seeing the look on Snowdrift's face, "4th?" she asked finally.

"No... he's in the 5th circle... but he was at the top of the 2nd circle last week though-" Snowdrift replied, a little awkwardly.

"WHAT?! Snowdrift, you know that's practically illegal, having an affair with a dragon in a circle so low... at least considering your rank. I-I, don't know what to say... I want you to be happy, but, this is at the cost of your future."

At first Seal looked agast at the idea, but when she finished speaking, Snowdrift could see how hard she was trying to understand the situation, to see how Snowdrift felt.

"Well, now that you know, can we please move on? I'm- I don't even know him, how can I like him?"

Unless, that was the emotion she was feeling inside of her. But what she said was true, she didn't know North at all, so what was this longing inside of her?

"Snowdrift, I can see that you like him. You say that you don't, but your eyes tell another stor-" Seal started, but was cut off by an exasperated Snowdrift.

"I. Don't. Like. North."

She had wanted it to sound like the truth, a true statement. But even to her ears, it sounded like a baby dragonet having a temper tantrum. It sounded like she was trying to convince herself.

"North?" Seal questioned, suddenly sounding curious, "the dragonet our age who has the scandalous parents?"

Snowdrift nodded, not meeting Seal's eyes.

"Hmm, well, I do question your taste in status, but, he is pretty handsome; in a sad, painful way," Seal said, tapping her chin with one serrated claw, "very well, I'll be your matchmaker," she continued, as if they were discussing it the entire time.

"W-what?! Seal- I-I, NO WAY! I told you! I DON'T LIKE HIM! Come on, you really don't have to do that," Snowdrift spluttered.

"Well, too bad. See, that dreamy look on your face every time you mention him prooves you wrong. So, I will help, and you can't stop me. Now, as much as I would love to continue discussing your love life, I must be on my way. My mother is expecting me soon, but visit as soon as possible! Bye!"

Seal lifted into the air and soared away.

Alone once again, Snowdrift pondered everything that had happened.

Somehow, her brain had only just figured out what Seal had said. Seal was going act as matchmaker, FOR HER AND NORTH!

This was going to be a disaster.


North's POV

Since the last rankings assessment, North couldn't stop thinking about how brave Snowdrift was when she had stood up for him.

Even though he knew it was strictly discouraged and perhaps even a bit illegal, he couldn't help but hope that Snowdrift would visit him.

Going to visit her was a thought that had crossed his mind many times, but it would be too difficult to explain himself to her parents. Besides, North doubted that Snowdrift's parents would want her talking to a dragon as low in the rankings as him.


He was suddenly jolted out of his daydreaming.

"NORTH! Can you come downstairs for a second?" Glisten hollered.

"Coming!" North called back to his mother.

Hurrying down the stairs, North wondered what was going on. His mother was usually so busy he rarely saw her during the the day.

"Yes mom?"

"Ah, North, there you are. Someone's at the door and they're looking for you," Glisten replied, looking sort of confused.

North didn't blame her, he was confused himself. No one ever came to visit him.

He walked to the front door, and outside waiting for him, was another dragonet.

A/N: Hmm... I wonder who could be waiting for North...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2021 ⏰

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