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"I mean, Aria is kinda like your sister

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"I mean, Aria is kinda like your sister." Kelce nagged at Rafe as the pair sat on the couch together, "At her birthday, she was kinda giving me a drift."

"Aria is not like Sarah." Rafe said back, barely listening to anything he was saying as his sixteen year old boy hormons flooded his brain and body.

"No, I mean, you guys are close like that. You guys are kinda related." Kelce went on. He was always such a rambling kid, ever since Rafe started talking to him a year ago and making him a someone for the first time, "So, is she into me?"

"Okay, one, most definitely not related at all." Rafe shook his head with a minor look of disgust across his face, "And two, I don't know. She just turned fifteen, has her permit now, she's probably just testing the waters a bit."

"I mean, she's never had a boyfriend, right?" Kelce continued on, missing Rafes clear announced when he sat up better, "Man, she's your best friend. Help me out."

Rafe huffed a he stood up, "Let it go, she's not into you."

He left Kelce feeling bummed out, walking through the house and finding Aria in no time. Being a year younger then Rafe, she always felt ridiculously cool getting to hang out with the sophomores while she was still a freshman, "I wanna leave, you coming?"

"Yeah, give me a second." Aria laughed as she continued her conversation with a girl Rafe hadn't known, her back leaned up against a guy who hung around their friend group but he hadn't been close with.

"Aria." Rafe repeated.

"I'm coming." she rolled her eyes, following after him as they walking out of the house. It was raining, not too bad, but enough for them to run back to the Range Rover. Rafe had been sixteen for seven months now and had his permit early on, making him a ridiculously well driver. Aria wasn't too good herself, even with just her permit, "Can I drive?"

"Absolutely not." Rafe shook his head, pulling the pull over over his head to be left in the polo shirt. Aria turned the heater on, looking out the window as the rain fell, "Are you into Kelce?"

Aria looked his way, "Kelce? Your cute friend?"

"He says you sent him a drift at your birthday." the Cameron boy said back as he backed out of the drive way.

"I was just having fun." Aria shrugged.

"You shouldn't lead people on." Rafe rolled his eyes, "It makes you look like a whore."

"Seriously?" Aria asked in disbelief as she shot him a look, "You're so rude."

"I don't think you are but other people might." Rafe said back. He almost mentioned that the way she was dressed didn't help anything but can tell he hurt her feelings and avoided it. Aria, like most fifteen year olds, was obsessed with her push up bras and tiny shorts, "Yo, don't be mad at me. I didn't meant that."

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