Chapter 2 : When our eyes met

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Ji Ah : I gotta tell mom about this! *happy*
             * Too excited calling mom*

Suddenly.. *crash!*

Boy: Cant you see im standing here! Luckily she's not hurt.

Boy : Its'okay Mia here's your ice cream  , go play with your friends.

Kid 1//Mia : Thank you uncle Yuji

Ji Ah : Oh my gosh ,Im so sorry I didnt mean to crash on you, I really do , is there anything I can do?

Both Ji Ah & Yuji : *their eyes met together like a cupid had just struck*

Yuji : No thanks , you know what just forget it , just to make sure don't be too excited and cause a trouble for others again..

Ji Ah : *awkwardly walking away* im really sorry..


Ji Ah's POV : *Jeez what a guy I did say sorry to him that I didnt mean to crash on him *sad* but funny that somehow our eyes met when I bumped into him , I should apologize to him once again tomorrow or buy him a drink , ughhh i dont know what to do Im both  happy and sorry for him , happy that I finally got my dream job as a barista. Oh shoot  I should head home first . Hopefully theres an uber nearby.. Ah! Heres one nearby let see.. he should be arrive around 15min ,, okay cool...*

*waiting for uber*
* fast screeches*

Uber driver : Uber for Miss Kim--- you!

Ji Ah : you! The ice cream guy?! *awkward* what a coincidence , just how many job are you doing in a day??

Yuji : Just shut it and hop in , I have another customer to pickup .

Ji Ah : * wears headset listen to her song and just ignoring the awkward atmosphere *

And again both of them caught looking at each other through the mirror..

Ji Ah: *damn of all uber in this city , why him?*


Earlier in the afternoon after the incident,

Yuji's friend : hey bud sup??

Yuji : Not now josh , Im busy fixing this  *sigh*

Josh : Damn what happen?

Yuji : Some girl suddenly bumped into me then the cart fell luckily the kid didn't hurt *tsk*

Josh : Ohooo a girlll~ *teasing*

Yuji : *glared at Josh*

Josh : hey man I have event later but I really dont want to miss any customer to join a ride later , so wanna help me? You can take their payment as your allowance , hows that sound? are you in?

Yuji : I'll think about it first .. I haven't finish fixing this..

Josh: aww come on man , you can use the money to buy an ice cream truck?

Yuji : Are you dumb?

It went silent ..

Both : *laughing*

Josh : Im just kiddin man xp

Yuji : Kayy finee , just place your key on the table , I'll go out in a bit

Josh : Thanks man you're a life saver.


Yuji : *Of all customers , why her? Im just gonna ignore her* *look at mirror* *Shit why do our eyes have to met at a time like this , she might think Im weird , looking at her like this she's so elegant , somehow soothing , damn what am I thinking , she just ruined your freaking source of income bruh--*

Ji Ah : Are you alright? You look disturbed..

Yuji : *quiet*

Ji Ah : I hope you're not injured after what happened earlier--

Yuji : We have arrived ..its $5

Ji Ah : Here you go ,, ummm thanks for the ride , do drive safely.. I hope we--

Without saying anything Yuji just drive away like mad.

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