Chapter 0

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2nd person.

"I'm going to the city do you want anything?"
"No thank you dear!" Your grandma answers.
You let out a worried sigh as she hasn't been eating well lately.
"I'm off now granny! I love you I'll be back as soon as I can! Food is on the stove" You screamed one last time before going out of your apartments door. 'Can I really leave her all by herself... she's been denying her sickness, maybe she'll forget herself and something will happen? Or worse maybe she'll trip and hit her head?!' All those thoughts spiraled around your head and began eating you inside. You hit your cheek, 'calm down she isn't a baby.' You looked one last time trough the door glass and continued your way to the city.

'It's been a long time since I've been outside' Well it was , after taking care of your sick grandma time passed by fast and you hadn't had a chance to go outside much, only to buy groceries but you always bought a big amount so you didn't have to go back much and leave her alone.

You begin to wander around.
'Woah I didn't know they had such big digital posters! Technology really developed fast in those 12 years' you admired all the new gadgets walking around and developments . It began to get darker and darker without you noticing.
"I wonder what it would be like if he was next to me..." you mumbled out. Suddenly your eyes widen and you get snapped back to reality .
"Wait what time is it?!" You look at your phone clock only to see that it's past afternoon.
"Oh f*ck this can't be" you curse out.
You run off as fast as you can to the train station not feeling your legs.

You arrive at the train station full in sweat and you'll it of breath. 'Phew on time, the train comes in a minute'
You walk closer to the stop line as you see someone familiar next to you. At first glance you don't recognize him but then it hits you.
"T-Takemichi?" You blurt out surprised.
He turns around to you, at first he doesn't recognize you but then his eyes widens and it strikes him.
"(Y/n) ?!" He says out loud.
Just before you could say another word you feel strong big hands on your back which start pushing you on the train tracks.


You see yourself falling on the tracks with takemichi next to you. You look at your right and see the train right in-front of you. Time feels like it has stopped. Your last thought before your vision is blinded by a bright white is your grandma.
"Granny" you mumble out and you feel a tear dropping down your right cheek.

Everything is white. Suddenly You see Manjiro Sano, your past lover smiling at you.
"M-mikey' you stutter in shock.
Before you could process what happened you find yourself in your old class.

"HOLY-" you scream standing up.
All the attention is on you.
"Is something wrong ms. (L/n) (Y/n)?"
Your teacher asks surprised dropping the board chalk.
You look around you in shock totally shaken up.
'What is happening'
You grab your pocket only to find your old phone you got from your mother back then.
You look at the date and you see you got sent 12 years back in time.
"This can't be" you mumble.
"(Y/n)?" Your teacher begins to walk towards you. He touches your shoulder snapping you back to reality. You look up to him.
'This can't be.'
You think to yourself running out of your classroom leaving behind a shocked silence.
You run as fast as you can to the exit.

As you arrive outside you crash at someone's back.
You fall at the stone floor but honestly , the back was harder than the floor.
You rub your head as suddenly a familiar voice calls out your name.
'This can't be.' You look up and as your eyes slowly focus on the light you slowly recognize the person.
"Mikey." You say out loud shaken up.

You can't control anything anymore. It's too much your eyes fill up with tears streaming down one another.

Mikey bows down to you worried. He softly touches your right shoulder. "(Y/n) what happened? What's wrong?" He says in a worried caring  tone.
"stop.." you burst out slapping away his hand making him loose balance and softly falling on the floor.
You jump up and run away without looking at his expression, but you can feel his shock.
'What is happening right now?, if I'm really back in time it must mean...'
You arrive infront of your old home.
You grab your key from your school bag missing the key hole a few times due to your shaking but eventually you unlock the door.

"Honey?" A soft voice calls out.


Update: looking back to this chapter is making me cringe of my bad writing, to new readers: hang on in my newest chapters I improved my vocabulary and writing including the story :)
I hope you enjoy the story :) I'm putting in a lot of effort and I try to not drift away from the characters actual personality and the storyline. This story will be very big and has many ideas in it so bear with me in this long journey! This is only the beginning to a big idea ^^ Stay safe and drink water my simping readers!

Past regrets. //A Manjiro Sano/Mikey x Reader story (tokyo revengers)Where stories live. Discover now