Chapter 4- bottling up

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After the day with Mikey and draken I straight up went upstairs, I was too tired to even continue the day, I agree with the fact that it was pretty amazing but it's still exhausting, especially with the responsibility on my back to change the future and prevent the part where Hina dies... I've been distracted by the overwhelming situation but this whole time but it has been a pain in the ass for me , after a while I noticed one more thing , It's pretty hard not to cry when I eat with my mom , I haven't seen my mom for 11 years because she died and now she's there for me regularly.. I need to get used to it again.

"how is school going?" She asks me as I eat the delicious breakfast she has prepared for me.
"G..reat" I gulp as I swallow down one last big bite,
"Make sure to chew before swallowing honey" she reminds me chuckling due to my weirdness ,
"Yes yes" I mumble as I go towards the door.
'Today is the last day, I need catch takemichi quickly before school and travel back, i guess we prevented kisaki and mikey from meeting. i should be happy to go back but im not. i want to stay with my mom, with mikey but i cant. i cant change what happened either so ill spare myself the pain of loosing those two again. Atleast hina is safe now.'
my mom suddenly screams pulling me out of my thoughts.
"HUH" i blurt out as she scared me ,
"You forgot your school bag.."
She sighes,
Ive been thinking too much lately -
I quickly run to my mom as she's waiting at the stair case with my bag. She hands me the bag and before I made myself on the way she adds behind me,
"You can talk to me you know that right?",
Hearing those words make my heart feel heavy, I turn around nodding as saying a word would definitely make me tear up.

Today the school way felt shorter as I arrived faster at school than usually,
"I forgot how annoying school was T-T"
'Can this day get any worse ?'
Suddenly I remember that I have math in the first two classes.
'I want to die.'

A hour has passes in class and I can barely keep my eyes open, and the worst part is that I don't understand anything! It's been 12 years how the hell am I supposed to understand anything. I didn't need to calculate triangles in my future, this just shows how useless school is.

Suddenly I can hear the door getting slammed open,
Mikey runs up to me and draken follows him behind smirking at me,
"Draken you too?!"
"I tried to stop him but he insisted on seeing you so much.." draken adds up thinking he'd make the situation better,
'Everyone is staring this is so embarrassing..'
I think while turning red like a tomato..
"Is there a problem huh?" Draken threatens my poor teacher which looks at him, understandable.
"N-No" my teacher stutters shaking,
'I feel so sorry for him.'
Mikey grabs my hand careful and pulls me out of class,
"Let's go (Y/n) it's boring in here anyways ^^" Mikey says carelessly making me question if he knows how important school actually is.. probably not.

As we walk down the halls he doesn't seem to let go off my hand. It may be the last time today again, I should enjoy every second.

I can notice draken looking into random class rooms,
"What are we doing in first place?" I ask them,
"We're searching our friend takemichi!"
Mikey answers with full enthusiasm almost making me chuckle on his childishness,
"He must be in room number *** as far as I can remember ,, I'm not sure though "
After saying those words Mikey starts pushing my hand harder and we rum up to the classroom I recalled, but on the way we run into some cocky elders who were just searching for a reason to start a fight.

"I'm so-" before I was able to finish my sentence one from the six tall guys starts insulting me ,
"Watch where you're going dumb bitc*"
'You shouldn't have said that...' before taking another breathe Mikey kicks the guy into his head ,
"Stand back" he tells me as he softly pushes me aside ,
"Try to not make a too big fuss ;-;"
I don't want my past self to cause any problems when I'm gone .. But as I see drakens gleeful expression I know their going to make it a big fuss.
Draken pulls up his sleeve and jumps one time before running towards two guys, jumping and hitting them in their faces making them fall to the ground , Mikey is already done beating up the other three,
"I hope I won't get expelled T-T..." I Mutter to myself as I'm already suspicious in my schools eyes due to Mikey and draken,

Past regrets. //A Manjiro Sano/Mikey x Reader story (tokyo revengers)Where stories live. Discover now