Chapter 18

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Chapter name: I'm not blushing!

"I was in deep thought, I'm sorry-" you began but Sukuna suddenly stuck his hand in the water. A shocked gasp left your lips as he grabbed your wrist and pulled it from under the water. Sukuna then yanked you close to him, his grip tight on your right wrist and a hand on your lower back. He looked down on you, his eyes lids half lidded. "Perhaps I've been too lenient on you." He began and you could do nothing but stare in embarrassment and shock. Your upper half was now fully exposed to the man in front of you; yet he was only fixated on your face.

"The least you can do is pay attention to me and me only." The words left his mouth like a sickeningly sweet tune and your body felt like it was on fire. "You have a lot of gut to admit dazing off in front of me, human. I don't know if you're brave or stupid." He then removed an arm from your lower back and cupped your face. "The only thing that's keeping your body from being ravished by desire is me. You're a quick learner, aren't you?" He questioned and began to loom in closer, tilting his head slightly, "keep this up and you'll learn what happens when I don't hold back." As if you finally gained your senses back, you closed your eyes and looked away—yanking away from his hold. It was annoying how his words that were nothing but harsh made your stomach flutter. You refused to feel this way in the presence of that man! You wanted to get out and get your bathrobe and book it to your room, but you didn't feel like giving this man the pleasure of seeing your bare form. Begrudgingly, you stayed still in the water, only your head exposed this time as you eyed Sukuna.

"What a pity," he smirked before leaning back against the wall. "Giving me a look like that simply entices me more. You're rather addicting, I will admit." He shifted to where he could be most comfortable. You tried to shake off his "compliment" but your face still felt warm. "I'm assuming you left to see your family?" He questioned and you nodded. There was no point in lying. Honestly, you didn't even care enough to find out how he knew about you leaving. He didn't seem angry or rude about it so your flight or fight wasn't activated. "Even after what we've established." He shook his head and stood up before giving you one good last glance, "just be prepared for what's to come. You won't be able to refuse me either." He placed his hands together as his robe sleeves overlapped. Sukuna was about to walk away until the sound of laughter coming near caught yours and his attention. "Oh no!" You mumbled as you ducked even further in the water out of worry. Sukuna's smirk then grew into a wide smile as he was going to enjoy what was to come.

"Brother, that move was amazing!" A large muscled man said as he smiled at the smaller man—who happened to be Itadori. They had just stepped inside the building; shirtless and only in towels that covered their hips and stopped to their knees. Soon they both stopped walking to stare in shock as they saw nothing but hair in the large bath along with Sukuna standing there. "D-Did you kill someone?!" Itadori mumbled out in fear and the male next to him crossed his arms. "That's..very unsanitary." He gave a serious expression with a hand on his chin. "THATS YOUR ISSUE HERE?!" Itadori yelled out and Sukuna sighed. "Shut up, you brat. I didn't kill anyone yet. Though someone may perish soon if they don't get air."

'this son of a...!'

You were hiding under the water out of fear. But unfortunately since you were human, you needed to get your dear oh precious air. Soon your lungs began to burn and you launched yourself out of the water and gasped for air. Now your collarbones and up were exposed. Itadori and the man next to him stood in complete shock. "Uh- heyyy?" You waved awkwardly and you heard Sukuna stifle a laugh.

'This bastard...!'

"(Y/n)?!" Itadori gasped out before a light bulb seemed to shine over his head, "ah- does this mean-?"

Was he going to ask if you got lost and needed help to leave? What a wonderful man! You were already smiling as you clasped your hands together.

"You're a man?"



You stared at him dumbfounded as all hope began to fade from your body. Sukuna leaned his left hand on the wall as his body began to shake from small laughter, and the tall man next to Itadori shook his head. Now that you got a closer look at the situation, you could see how nice the unknown male and Itadori's body was. Like damn—they were built. You found yourself blushing at such an obscure thought and you finally snapped back to reality. "Can you all at least get out, please?! Just really quickly so I can leave?!" You raised your voice out of panic. What? While you didnt want to be rude, it was hard to try and remain calm in a situation like this! Not only was this memory going to haunt you later, but the water was getting cold, and the mere fact of being naked (though hidden by water) in front of others who you barley knew was uncomfortable. Sukuna sighed out and shrugged before walking out. The male next to Itadori coughed nervously as a darker crimson dusted his darker skin tone, "brotha, we should erm—go." He then turned around to leave but Itadori shook his head, "I'll be there! But I want to ask (Y/n) about something!" Itadori says and soon went back to face you.

"Couldn't you ask me later? Since...y'know?" You questioned and Itadori smiled apologetically with a hand behind his head. "Sorry about that. Er-this? It's just this question is serious and I have a few things to do tomorrow, so I won't be here and I'd rather ask it now." Itadori explains before turning around. "Ill turn around so you can get comfortable and change."

You felt comfortable around Itadori. It was odd and crazy of you to put such trust in a man you just met, but you did regardless. "So what's your question?" You asked as you stood up, the water now at your hips. You began to walk over to the edge, grabbing the white robe that waited for you. "Have you seen any bored or homicidal actions from Sukuna?" He began to interrogate you on the different behaviors of Sukuna as you finished getting dried off and more comfortable. "I'm done. Also, did you get these questions from a man named Gojo?" You questioned, a hand on your chin as Itadori turned to face you. "How'd you...?" He went to question but lost track of his sentence upon seeing you.

Your hair was still wet while the cotton-like robe covered your upper body. It was quite the smaller robe due to Mei making it for you and not knowing how to do measurements right. You didn't want to make the girl sad and not use the robe, so of course you were going to use it! The robe stopped at your upper thigh. One wrong move such as reaching up and things that you would like to have hidden would be visible. Itadori's face became pink along with his ears as he looked away. "I-uh, Gojo-Sensei is actually really fond of you! And these were just weekly reports of Sukuna's behavior.." Itadori spoke before turning Towards the slide open door. "Oh, and be careful. There's something on the loose. I can't give too much information on it, but Todou and I are told to get rid of it soon. If you'd like, I can accompany you to your room," Itadori offers and you quickly shake your head. This man was only wearing a towel that hung from below his v-line and to his bottom thighs. It took everything in you to try not to stare, but even at times like this you were a pervert. Not to mention people might get the wrong idea from you and itadori walking to your room from the bathhouse in only robes..

"Thanks for the offer! But I'm fine, I'll just walk back myself." You went ahead and walked past the male. But before you slid the door open you turned to face him, "oh, and nice body." You winked before leaving and closing the door.

By doing that, you left a blushing yet proud Itadori.

[behind the scenes!]

"Get off your ass, will you?" Megumi mumbled at the male with white hair. He was sitting in a room that was surrounded by beautiful females that wore luxurious robes and jewels. They all were close to him, some touching his chest, others leaning over him, and the rest trying to fit in where they could. He held a long stick like pipe where smoke escaped from, and he gave a large smile. "But it's my off day~" he spoke to the younger male. Megumi found himself rolling his eyes out of disgust.


I'm craving something sweet

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