Chapter 24

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Chapter name: A fight to remember

Itadori swung to hit mahito in the face and you swung to hit his head from the side with your weapon. The fight continued on mostly like this; you and Itadori ganging up on Mahito. While you put up a good fight, you weren't the best at dodging attacks. Which is why it was best for you and Itadori to keep throwing attacks non stop.

You had hit Mahito in the jaw which caused him to wince and stumble back. Glaring at him as if the stare would kill him on spot, you were quite surprised to see his reaction.

he smiled at you.

Something about his smile made shivers go up your spine. Wether he was a complete masochist or just plain crazy, it just made you dislike him more. Suddenly he charged straight for you—catching you off guard. He was so fast not even itadori could push him out the way. Perhaps it was fear and shock that entered your body? Or perhaps it was the memory of how he yanked a gem out of your dead best friends stomach that made you freeze up in fear. Mahito was now right in front of you as his arms wrapped around your waist. "You'll be stuck with me sooner or later, so just give yourself to me, (Y/n). You can't escape what you said in the past." He'd purr like a wild animal in heat. You couldn't tell if this curse saw you romantically, sexually, or as a random person he could manipulate. And quite frankly, you didn't care to find out. All you did was stare is disgust. It's not like you could hit him anyways since his strong embrace kept your arms down. Also his legs were right in front of yours: stopping you from hitting him where the sun doesn't shine. What a fool you were to fear this man in the first place. "What a shame." He'd hum but itadori snatched Mahito off of you. this allowed mahito to let out a giggle as he kicked you harshly before being thrown onto the ground.

"Ah!" You gasped out as your body rolled onto the floor. After pushing yourself up, you coughed harshly upon the impact of his foot to your stomach. He literally knocked the wind out of you. With a shaky breath you quickly composed yourself before gazing towards Itadori. Mahito had managed to hit Itadori and disfigure himself before slipping out of Itadori's grasp. He looked back as he was running—now fully back to his original form. Itadori was currently wiping the blood off of his forehead as it seemed to get into his eyes. Itadori couldn't see right now! It's no time to be sitting around!

You stood up and glared at Mahito. You could see his childish grin begin to return as he continued to dash towards the door.

"You'll be stuck with me sooner or later, so give yourself to me, (Y/n)."

It made you sick. The way he said it—the way that relaxed smile of his was still plastered on his pale, stitched face. "Shit, he's getting away!" Itadori yelled out and that's when you remembered a trick of yours. You've never actually used it before, but it was worth a try? "MAHITO!" You yelled out, extending your arms outwards towards him with your fingers facing the ground. Mahito turned around upon hearing you call his name; but of course he was still running towards the door. "It's no fun if you leave without me showing you a trick!" Itadori and sukuna both stared at you in surprise at your changed demeanor. "Lorelight." You glared while you clenched your fist—soon yanking it back.

And mahito began to fly backwards.

"What the..!" His eyes were wide in shock and confusion as he was forced back over to you. His body flew back as if rope was wrapped around his torso and he was tugged back from great lengths. You then channeled the little curse energy you had into the red nun-chuck like weapons. The way mahito stared at you in confusion as his body was now close—just made you smirk. You swung with all your might and hit Mahito in the face. Somehow you had enough power to knock him back into the wall; there, Itadori began to jump him.

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