Chapter Thirty-three - Joshua

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I drove slowly down the lanes taking the back route we had decided on, Sam slowly ticked the path off on the sketch I had drawn, so far so good.

We passed a few zombies along the way, often the odd one walking around, usually near a broken-down car, or abandoned car, the luggage strewn about the road from people searching for supplies, or at least that's what it looked like.

The zombies took note of the pickups engine noise and followed behind us, disappearing in the rear-view mirror once they couldn't keep up

Sam sat nervously in the seat, his crossbow in his lap poised ready to use it, thankfully he didn't need to.

The track up to the house came into sight, a narrow track with grass growing up the middle between the tyre tracks, if you didn't know the track was there you would just drive past easy.

The treeline opened into wide open fields, tucked into the corner was the house we had seen.

I stopped the truck just outside the yard, the house was old stone brick, a one and half storey a long rectangle which looked like an old barn, its slate roof covered in solar panels and its sides clad in wood with really modern looking windows.

"what if someone's in there?" I asked

We had spoke about this, and I was going to drive past while we checked the windows, although from google maps it looked like we could drive past the front, when in reality a wall stopped any car from getting closer.

"Switch the truck off, we've got to check it out"

"what if there's someone in there"

"well there's no smoke from the chimney, and those massive glass windows, well they would be boarded up surely?"

"maybe your right" I said switching the truck off.

We tiptoed out the truck and crawled up to the house main door, Sam one side me the other, Sam knocked on the door loudly to which a zombie growled inside and started banging on the door to get out

"we have our answer then" Sam said taking a step back "let it out ill shoot it outside"

"ok" I said nervously, reaching for the handle.

I pushed down on the handle and the door swung open Sam shot the zombie rushing towards him making it crash to his feet, the second zombie we had not expected came rushing out and Sam didn't have chance to react the zombie tackled him to the ground.

I never had a clear shot, I raced towards them as Sam tried to push the zombies snapping jaws away from him, I raised the bow and fired almost point blank into its head as Sam flipped it off him.

"Sam, are you ok, shit"

"yeah" he winced panting, "wasn't expecting another"

"please tell me you're not bitten?"

"no, I'm good" he said getting to his feet, I hugged him immediately kissing him on the lips.

"we've got to be more careful"

"sure" he managed dusting himself off, "come on lets see what its like" he pulled my hand towards the barn and the entered into its full height living room, which was a mixture of kitchen dining space and everything in one, it stretched the entire length of the barn with a stove fireplace in the middle.

It was clean, and immaculately done, other than the scattered furniture from the zombies it was perfect

Inside were shutters for the massive windows which we quickly closed securing the barn, a single door was at the back of the kitchen leading to a shower room and toilet along with a small utility room equally as nicely decorated with rustic modern materials.

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