I dont know what to title these anymore 😅

702 19 4

Wang Ling and Y/N is on sick leave.
-In the previous episode.
-He mustn't be spared. The last hit of the shadow Faction's Xu Jian Was bounced back by Wang Ling'S spiritual force.
-Because of the suicidal action, -A primary phase.
-He's only Xu Jian Fell.
As a low-profile hero, Wang Ling along with his broke best friend y/n pretended to be badly hurt
-It's a shame
And gave the credit
-That I was a bit late.
To master Zhuo Yi.

Back to the present

Wang Ling. Sun Rong holds Wang Ling collar shaking him
Sun Rong says "Wang Ling, are you alright?"

-Sun Rong didn't know what happened, so she was very worried
She called Wang Ling name
Chen Chao was holding You calling your name (You were fast asleep.) while you were taking a good nap while acting hurt You and Wang was Telepathically talking
'Wang look your little girlfriend cares about you'
'I think she's worried so this is her attempt to wake me I will obliterate your house if you call her that again'
'Pfft if she keep shaking you like that you gonna die for real'
'Shut it.'

Sun Rong summoned the best Medical Experts
She was hesitant towards helping y/n
And constructed a private healing cabin.
An all-immersion experience. Valuable medicines shower on automatically every hour.
It is said to be able to connect the meridians as well as boosting the vital spirits.
"It's time for breakfast, LingLing and y/n"
Both wang and y/n mom comes in with breakfast

Both come out of the healing cabin
You yawn turning before falling back asleep wang walks over to you he says "I'm going to eat your private pocky stash."

You jump on him you say "Don't you" dot. dot. dot.  Wait she says "You.....You don't like pocky you fucking asshole you said that to get me up."

He rolls his eyes he says "Welcome back from the dead" you roll your eyes before helping him up Ms.Wang says "How long are you going to play sick you two?" You groan as you try to grab food and Wang Ling mom slaps your hand with a spatula as Mrs.Wang says "It's been over ten days. Tell them tomorrow that you have recovered. Go back to school the day after tomorrow."

You sigh you say "Yes Mooom" she pokes you with her finger she says "Keep up with the attitude and I'll call your mom." You smile as you say "Okayy."

The door bell rings and Mr.Wang answers the door Sun Rong is there...Great😅
Sun Rong bows she says "Good Morning, Mr.Wang."

Mr.Wang says "LingLing!, Other child!your friends are here."

You all turn around 'Huh!'
You and wang spit of your food in surprise before seeing all three idiots were in you and Wang's room
-Hello, Mrs.Wang.
-Hello, Mrs.Wang.

Chen chao says "Y/N and Wang Ling, we are here on behalf of the school."
You and wang stare laying down

Mrs.Wang says "Thank you for coming. You don't have to buy these things. Take your time. We are going to prepare some snacks and tea."
-Thank you, Mrs.Wang.
-Thank you, Mrs.Wang.

Chen chao says "So, How is it? Are you feeling better?
Guo huo says "You two still lying in bed. Look at this. It's my pet, birdie two."
The bird flies onto wang Ling bed saying "Camel."

-Damn parrot. Both you and wang thought
Wang-Who would want such an ugly bird as a pet?

Y/n- This is why I don't like birds so annoying. I should turn it into dinner!

Wang-Don't you dare y/n that's Guo Huo pet

Y/N-Why would you keep lunch as a pet
Wang- Will you stop thinking about food for once?!

Sun Rong says "It's foolishly cute. It's kind of lovely isn't it Wang Ling"

Of course you would think it's cute you two would get along just fine 💢

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